How your Name is Read in Numerology

nameNumerology has many aspects to it and being able to figure out what your name means as far as numerology is concerned can bring you a lot of insight towards your life. Knowing the numbers that are associated with your name will allow you to determine specific traits, future goals and other facts about your life that you otherwise may never know about. Reading the numerology aspect for your name is simple to do and it can be done if short amounts of time.

With numerology having been around for thousands of years, you can know almost for sure that the results attained will be accurate. Existing since the 6th century BC, numerology brings you additional meaning to your life along with giving you goals to attain. Once you have a reading for your name performed you will normally realize some of your traits that you never knew you had until now.

Numbers surround our entire lives and they directly relate to astrology, the spiritual world and other mysterious aspects of life. In fact, numerology has been defined as being a direct way to understand the spiritual world from our material world. When using the numbers from numerology, some people are capable of materializing their dreams.

The way that your name is counted in numerology will have great significance in your life and whether you use middle names or last names can drastically change your numbers. When counting your numerology name numbers you will want to try a variety of ways of writing your name. Use every variation available such as writing your first name only, writing your first name with your last name and even writing your entire name including your middle name.

Comparing all of the results will allow you to have a much better idea about what your name means in numerology. However, most people tend to realize that regardless of the way they write their names, the final results tend to be quite similar. This is probably because numerology is a science and changing your name won’t affect your results.

When counting your numerology name you will have to know how to begin. The first thing to do when counting your name’s numbers is to write down your name on a piece of paper in the way that you want it to be counted. Determining each number that is associated to each letter in your name is the next step.

In order to know which number represent a letter you will have to perform a few basic calculations. Each letter should be counted with numbers that don’t pass the number 9. For example, you will count the letter A as 1 and the letter B as 2 and so on until you reach the number 9. Once you hit the 9th letter you will restart by assigning the following letter with the number 1.

Calculating your name’s numbers will require you to bring it down to lower numbers. For example; if your name results in the number 24, you will have to add 2 and 4 together which gives you a result of 6. Each number has a unique significance.

The Association of Emotions with Numerology

numerNumerology has been around for thousands of years and has long been used for determining the fate of a person. The Pythagorean numerology system has become the most widely used system in the world. Most people tend to view numerology as a way of figuring out more insight about the meaning of their name or day of birth. However, numerology consists of much more than simply adding numbers together.

The emotions of a person will greatly be determined by the numerological path. Numerology has several different aspects to it and depending on the day of your birth, your full name and other personal details, you will have different emotions. Although many believe this to be false, numerology is actually quite precise and can be compared to mathematical or even scientific formulas.

The emotional core of a person will vary, but more often than not, the information provided to you by numerology readings is quite precise. In fact, numerology will be able to determine how a person views themselves in the world. A person can easily figure out their strengths and weaknesses by using numerology. Whether a person is self-confident or has anxiety issues when going into public places, numerology will be able to determine this.

When comparing the numbers of one person with another who has similar numbers in their life path, the emotions often relate. Since numerology is more of a science rather than a religion, the data is often extremely precise. You can even determine what type of person your child will grow up to become even when they are still a baby.

In order to calculate the results of a person’s emotional core features, the full birth date is normally the numbers that are calculated. This includes the year that a person is born, the month and the exact day. Although many believe that two people born on the same day can turn out to be quite different from one another, there are many ways to view the emotional core of an individual.

Emotions in numerology have positive and negative aspects and it is impossible to know exactly which direction a person will take. It is always recommended to focuses solely on the positive factors, but through life challenges, this becomes quite difficult. Nonetheless, the results that you receive as an emotional core will provide you with more insight on both your positive and negative sides.

Numerology allows people to balance their emotions by having a better understanding of them. Just like meditation brings upon a higher level of inner peace, so does numerology. Being able to know exactly what inhibits you from moving forward in life such as negative emotions is highly important in order to retain balance.

With numerology being a direct way of understanding the spiritual world, it makes it easier for us to understand how our emotions play a huge role in the physical world. By calculating your emotional core with numerology you will have more ease at repairing your spiritual body in order to make it more functional in the physical realm.

The Personal Year Cycles in Numerology Explained

woman-meditate-beach-numbers-304x257Numerology can be used for an uncountable amount of purposes such as figuring out the deeper meaning of your name or even finding out what the numbers of your birth date represent. Being able to use numerology in order to make predictions and get more insight on your life will allow you to use your newfound knowledge to your advantage. The personal year cycles are often misinterpreted by new numerology enthusiasts, yet these are highly important in the life of an individual.

Being able to calculate the personal year cycles is the first step towards getting more insight on past years or even on years to come. The personal year cycles will come back from time to time and this is quite normal as it’s the circle or life. Knowing which personal year cycle that you are in at the moment will allow you to have a better understanding of what is happening in your life.

Whether there have been major changes such as buying a new house or even getting pregnant or even if the changes were minor, the information provided to you by the personal year cycles will allow you to understand these changes. Getting more in depth insight on what and why these changes are happening in your life will simplify your life and help you get rid of stress.

Just like in most numerology systems, the number 9 often comes back. There are 9 unique personal year cycles that you can be in and each one of them has a different type of path. Knowing which personal year cycle you are in will allow you to take life changes into consideration and accept them more easily.

Not only is it beneficial for you to know which personal year cycle you are in at the moment, but it is also great to know what is ahead. Being able to determine the future personal life cycles will allow you to be better prepared for what lies ahead in your life. Numerology acts as a way to restore balance in the life of an individual and getting prepared for what has yet to happen will rid yourself of anxiety issues.

When calculating the personal life cycle of any given year you will need to use your day of birth, the month that you were born as well as the year that you want to know more information about. You can calculate the personal year cycle for any year of your choice, be it next year or even if it was 60 years ago; the results will always be just as precise.

Calculating your personal year cycle is extremely simple and you can do so even if you have very little knowledge about numerology. First you will want to bring all of your numbers down to single digits. For example; if your birth date is the 22nd of February and you want to calculate it for the year 2013, you will have to reduce all of the numbers. The results would look like this; 4, 2 and 6.

In order to find your personal year cycle you simply need to add all of the resulting numbers together and then once again you will have to reduce that number to a single digit. The example above would be equal 12; after reducing the number to a single digit it would be 3. So your personal year cycle would be 3.

Chinese Numerology: The Lo Shu Square

Lo Shu SquareThe exact origin of where numerology began is a mystery and although we can’t pinpoint an actual date of birth for this system, there are estimated dates of when it could have possibly began. The Chinese have often been referred to as being the first people to have ever used numbers as a source of significance in daily lives.

It was in the Yellow River region of China roughly 4000 years ago that the Chinese are believed to have begun using numbers for more than simple calculations. Patterns were noticed and these patterns where utilized to determine a person’s fate, their temperaments and other significances. The Chinese numerology system revolves around a unique grid that is often called the Lo Shu Square.

The founder of this grid is known as Wu of Hsai who was the very first mythical emperor of China. Although there is no evidence of how the grid came to be, there is an old folk tale that states that Wu found a tortoise with a square on its back. The square was a 3 x 3 grid which was soon to become the Lo Shu grid.

The Lo Shu Square is remarkable because the numerological significance of each square is impressive. The traditional grid consists of rows and columns that always add up to the number 15. This is a known as being an extremely sacred number in China along with the number 5. The number 15 is the exact amount of days between a new moon and a full moon which once again shows the co-relation between numerology and astrology.

Since the first grid came to be there have been three major variations of the system and all three systems are still used to this day; the Ki system, the traditional system and the western system. Although there is not much information about the Western system, it was made popular in the 1930’s and mainly in Australia.

The Western system still exists to this day and it is known for being among the most accurate of all the systems. To make it even more popular, it is among the easiest numerology systems to learn which makes it the first choice of many numerology students. The other two numerological systems are becoming obsolete because of their complexity and less accurate results.

The basic Lo Shu grid contains 9 squares within it and each row or column has 3 squares, thus making the grid one big square. Normally, these squares are numbered from 1 to 9 and depending on your date of birth, the numbers will vary in placement. The general way to calculate the significance of a person’s temperament is by using the year of birth along with the day and month.

Placement of the numbers within the Lo Shu grid is crucial. By placing the numbers in a specific area of the grid, the reader is capable of determining several weakness and strong points of an individual. It is surprising to see just how accurate a simple grid can be.