Numerology and Astrology: How They Fit Together

1301690865_169308382_1-Pictures-of--DUBAIS-INDIAN-ASTROPALMIST-ASTROLOGY-NUMEROLOGY-VASTHU-PALMISTRYIn the spiritual and even religious ways of life there are several systems that allow us to predict the future. Astrology and numerology are two of the most popular systems that exist which allow us to make predictions. Dating back to ancient times, both numerology and astrology have been used for centuries. However, most people aren’t aware of how similar and co-related these two systems really are with one another.

Firstly, it’s important to know the differences between both systems. Astrology is mainly the study of the stars in the sky and how the stars connect with life on earth. On the other hand is numerology which is basically the study of numbers and how the vibrations of numbers can be compared to our lives. Both systems bring us the potential to determine our fate and figure out more about ourselves.

Although both systems are relatively different from one another, they actually fit together perfectly. Astrology is often considered to be more scientific than an actual art and at the core of any type of scientific research is math. Math as we know if is basically dealt with numbers. This creates a perfect bond between both astrology and numerology.

When calculating astrological meanings, the use of numbers is required. Angles, degrees, distance and many other mathematical calculations must be performed in order to use astrology as a way of predicting futuristic events. When performing such calculations, it gets quite clear that numerology is easily identified with astrology.

The same goes for applying the rules of numerology; having a basic understanding of the planets and how they affect our lives is a plus for numerologists. The planets are identified with numbers and their influences are often compared to the influences of vibrational numbers. Ultimately, numerology and astrology go hand in hand. Knowing astrology will allow you to have a better understanding of numerology and vice versa.

The co-relation between the two different types of studies goes all the way back to the 6th century BC when Pythagoras began using numerology. This influential personality was the godfather of numerology as we know it, but he also discovered a deeper connection between both the stars and basic numbers. Numerology is said to bring deeper meaning to numbers from 1 to 9 and the stars have the same type of meanings.

When combining the two systems together you come to realize just how co-related these two systems truly are. Although a single astrological reading will give you a lot of information, so will a numerological reading. However, when you compare the two readings with one another, you will normally see that they match up quite perfectly.

Most people are capable of seeing the relationship between the two systems. If you were to have an astrological reading performed and then a numerological reading performed, the results would be astonishingly similar. Looking at both readings simultaneously would sort of work like a code because the two readings combined with one another would give you much more details than a single reading.

The Meaning of the Number 8 in Numerology

8-204x300The number 8 is one of the most difficult numbers to understand when it comes to numerology. Many people mistake the significance of the number 8 simply because it often represents success, infinity and other wonderful aspects of life. However, the number 8 has much more to it than simple awarding you with good luck and prosperity.

The significance of the number 8 is often referred to as being a sign that you will go far in your career and that you will achieve financial success. However, this is a misinterpretation because the true significance of the number 8 is balance. Balance is not always a good thing, but most people consider the fact that having the number 8 in their name or birth date will bring them positive balance.

In reality, the number 8 when associated with numerology means that you will receive what you give. The perfect karmic balance will apply to your life in somewhat of an accelerated pace. The good that you project to the world will be returned to you, but the same applies to the negative aspects. For a person who projects negativity, they will receive negativity in return which is why the number 8 does not always mean riches and career achievements.

Although the number 8 makes it easier for people to materialize their spiritual goals, it does not mean that you will always receive what you demand. You can’t simply ask for a million dollars and receive such an amount. Instead you will be more likely to receive tools in order to facilitate your goals and desired achievements in life.

Money is often desired in life, but in the spiritual world, money has no significance other than being a tool. Money in the spiritual world is viewed as a tool that allows us to attain goals. For example; if you wish to go to university in order to attain the job of your dreams, money that is necessary for such an endeavor will most likely appear in your life.

Only the money necessary will be made available to those with the number 8 because it acts as a tool and not an actual material possession. However, people who have the number 8 in their life path are much more likely to succeed in their careers and in financial areas of their lives. They have the tools necessary to do so and with a bit of hard work and effort they can attain their goals.

The number 8 does not only have a money oriented angle; it focuses on many other aspects of life as well. The number 8 is often associated with traits such as ambition, organization, efficiency, discipline and control. These traits allow people to succeed in life and that is also why people with the number 8 often have successful careers with great ambitions.

Like all other numbers, the number 8 also has negative aspects as well. Not being combined with the proper numbers will cause people with the number 8 in their names to experience anger, frustration, insomnia and even dissatisfaction in life.

The Numerology of 666: Is There Really Evil In This Number?

666-antichrist_02The number of the beast, 666 is popularly known as being the most evil number known to mankind.  Although Iron Maiden and other metal bands from the 80’s adopted this number and made the significance of evil even more prominent, it actually dates back to ancient times. Can such a number hold a strong vibration of evil and does using this number in everyday life mean that you’re promoting the devil?

The way a number is interpreted will define whether it is good or bad because at its source, a number is neutral. In Numerology, Numbers are simply symbol according to the person who is reading them. Although the Bible mentions the number 666 in the Book of Revelations, it is often up for discussion on whether it should be interpreted as an evil number or a good one.

666 is a number that has been made popular according to the significance that the Christian church gave it. However, there are many religions in the world and not all religions view the number 666 as a holder of evil vibrations. In fact, some view it as a number that signifies loyalty and prosperity.

In the more spiritual based religions, the number 666 is identified as being a number of greatness. In spiritual religions, the number 6 is often referred to as being a feminine number that represents idealism and loyalty. Being a triple number makes it even stronger because some religions consider tripled numbers to have three times the power.

Scientifically speaking, the number 666 is often associated with human beings. Rather than being considered the devil’s number, humankind is often identified as being the ‘’beast’’ that is mentioned in the Book of Revelations. We as humans are made up of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons which equates to a number of 666. We are also known for being the only living species on the planets that self-destructs; perhaps mankind is the so-called devil.

The Kabbalah also views the number 666 differently than the Christian church; they view it as a holy number. The Kabbalah views the number 666 as being the base of all life; the dimensions of all physical things are co-related to this number according to the Kabbalah. The number 6 is often repeated three times in such religions in order to triple its power, strength and significance.

Many people have been associated with the number 666 in history and these people were believed to be the true Anti-Christ during their time. Aleister Crowley, an occultist during the early 1900’s is well known for being marked by the beast. Made popular by Black Sabbath in the 80’s, Mr. Crowley spent his entire life searching for the darkness of spirituality.

Nero, a controversial roman emperor who is believed to have started the great fire of Rome was also considered an Anti-Christ. The number 666 was associated with his name and he brought upon great amounts of evil during his reigning years. Burning people alive simply to create a light source and other evil ways doomed him with the number of 666.

Your Birth Day Numerology

bday numerologyEveryone has a date of birth and in numerology, the day that you were born on holds immense amounts of significance. Although some believe that the birth date significance is not precise enough, many believe that it can predict how a person’s temperament will be and exactly what type of endeavors would better suit that person. The birth date significance of a person is often referred to as being able predict how a person reacts to life’s challenges.

When determining your birth date number you will most likely be able to see a part of yourself in the description. Although some people don’t believe these descriptions to be accurate, they are in fact quite reliable. The birth date numbers are directly connected with your life path cycle numbers and they can tell a lot about the type of person that you are and will become.

Knowing what your birth date number significance is may be able to give you a little more insight on your life and how you react to certain situations. Most numerology systems use solely the day of the month during which you were born to determine many facts about you in life. However, using a single day as a reference is why many people don’t believe in this type of numerology.

When comparing the birth date significance of a person along with the main numerology readings as well as the astrological readings, it is surprising to see that they all seem to line up with one another. They all tend to have similar results which allow you to see just how strong the impact of the day that you were born on has in your life.

Determining what your skills are by taking a look at your birth date significance can be seen as a gift. Knowing how you excel in life can make it a lot easier for you to get through certain life challenges and face obstacles with your strong points. When you know exactly what skills make you the best person that you can possibly need, facing life issues seem to become a lot easier than ever before.

Unlike many aspects of numerology, double digits are not reduced to single digit numbers. However, the fact that you are born on a single digit day or on a double digit day will have a huge impact on the skills and strengths that you have. Being born on a double digit day gives you more details on your skills and life path than single digit days.

When born on a double digit day you can use all three numbers of your birth date. For example, if you are born on the 23rd of April, you can look at the number 23, the number 2 and the number 3. All three of these numbers apply to your date of birth and they will allow you to get a more in depth reading. It is also important to note that the month you are born in has no significance when reading the birth date numbers; whether you’re born on the 23rd of April or on the 23rd of June, your number will always be 23.