Finding your Lucky Numbers through Numerology

lucky numbersNumerology is often defined as systems that can predict the future and deepen the understandings of a person’s traits.

In numerology, numbers are used as much more than simple tools, but instead they are viewed as a precise science.

In fact, there are four core numbers associated with every individual that are often considered to be the lucky numbers in that person’s life.

Understanding what numbers are associated with you will help you determine many things about your life.

Most likely, those numbers will become very representative of your life path and the obstacles or big events to occur in your lifetime.

Although they probably won’t help you win the lottery, your lucky numbers are often used to predict important dates, times and years in your life.

Being able to calculate the numbers that are known as your lucky numbers will help you have a more in depth understanding of your life.

Your lucky numbers may be representative of the day you meet your significant other, the day you get an important employment opportunity or even the day that your first child is born. Regardless of the meaning of your lucky numbers, it’s always a good thing to know what they are.

The first of the four lucky numbers is your life path number. This number will most likely become the most important number in all of your numerology readings.

It determines not only your overall traits and personality, but it also allows you to understand the paths you will take in life. With this number you can have a better understanding of your life in general.

The life path number is calculated using you full date of birth. In order to calculate it you will need to add the year you were born, the month you were born and the day you were born all together. You will need to reduce the numbers to a single digit number in order to know your life path number.

The second lucky number in your life is the expression number. The expression number is often representative of your talents and skills that you have in your core. For those who believe in reincarnation, this number is also representative of the baggage that you have brought into this lifetime from previous lives. This number is calculated with the numbers that represent each letter in your full name and then reduced to a single digit.

The third lucky number in your life is your motivation number.

In numerology, the motivation number is what lies deep within your soul. This number is often what drives you in life and it is often associated with goals, dreams and ambitions.

Calculating this number is as simple as adding the numbered value of the vowels in your name and then reducing the number to a single digit number.

The final lucky number in your life is your birthday number.

This is not as precise as the other 3 numbers, but it often represents a hidden skill or talent that you personally have. The birthday number is simply the day you were born. If you were born on a double digit day, you will have to reduce it to a single digit.

How Changing your Name Affects your Numerology Readings

nameOne of the wisest things any man can today is to request a numerology reading to figure out personality traits and future occurrences.

However, what most people are not aware of is the fact that numerology has been around since the 6th century BC when Pythagoras first found the patterns in everyday numbers.

Today, many people believe that changing their names can have major impacts on their numerology readings and thus influence their futures significantly.

Changing your name for numerology purposes that are solely based around changing your future and your personality traits is something that is open for debate.

Many people are against doing this because they believe that you are born with personality traits that cannot be modified by simply altering your birth name.  Some numerologists do believe that changing your name will not necessarily alter your personality.

The expression and destiny numbers are directly related to your name and the results from numerology readings will affect your life paths.

When you get your numerology readings performed according to your name, you will be given specific years that major changes and obstacles could occur. Obviously, if it were as simple as changing your name to avoid major life changes, everyone would do it.

Although changing your name simply for numerology purposes is not recommended, many of us will go by different names or alter egos during our lifetimes. These different names can definitely have an impact on your numerology readings and they don’t necessarily need to be legal names in order to make them fit into your numerology readings.

Some of the names that can affect your numerology chart include nicknames that you may go by, pen names that you may use as a writer, married names that you get after getting married and even names that you may use when you don’t want to use your real name. These names can all be accounted for when having your destiny or expression numerology readings read.

Using all of your alternative names can allow you to understand why you react the way that you do in certain circumstances. Most people will behave differently according to the people they are with and depending on where they are. If you use a nickname when you’re with your friends, you will probably act differently than when you use your real name with your business partners.

Defining the numerology readings for all of your used names and nicknames will allow you to have a much more profound understanding of the ways that you react in specific situations. Being able to figure out different emotions, personalities and traits that you have according to the different names that you use can come in handy.

However, since all numbers in numerology have a balance of both positive and negative effects; changing your name doesn’t necessarily mean that you will experience only the positive sides of the new traits. You could very easily change your name for a new numerology chart and end up inheriting the negative effects of your new numbers.


9 Powerful Life Lessons From Studying with a Monk

monkBy: Robert Piper / Source: Waking Times

When I was 18 years old, I suffered from anxiety and stomach problems. A compassionate physician and practicing Buddhist referred me to a Taoist monk who specialized in meditation and martial arts. I ended up healing myself of anxiety and stomach issues by doing meditation, and went on a great journey of self-discovery.

Here are 9 lessons I learned while studying with a monk:

1. Keep trying until you get it right.

The most important life lesson I learned was trying something three times (maybe even four times) before you stop trying and move on. Also, this monk taught me that, even after multiple tries, you should work on different angles to approach things that are difficult.

If you keep trying, you’ll eventually get where you’re going.

2. The answer to your question is inside of you.

As part of the original monastery training, a monk didn’t answer direct questions from a student unless it was a well thought-out question. A Chinese proverb says, “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.”

Some forms of Zen Buddhism use a very similar style of training. An old saying (by Taoist monks) goes like this: “In making a four corner table, the teacher shows the student how to make one corner. It’s the student’s job to figure out how to make the other three.”

They did this because they were preparing a student to deal effectively with problems in the real world.

I traveled to South Korea one time, and I found it fascinating how much you have to rely on your intuition when you don’t speak the native language of a country. I remember one instance, I had trouble explaining to the cab driver where my hotel was, and he didn’t speak English. So I had to get out of the cab and ask several people until I could find someone to tell the cab driver in Korean how to get to my hotel.

In life, whenever we try new things, we have to go into new places with only a small amount of information. The real world doesn’t give us all the answers. The greatest teacher is inside of us.

3. Real wisdom in life comes from doing something and failing.

Prior to starting meditation, I used to get upset when I’d try something and fail.

I’ve been in sales since I was sixteen. I remember going to work and getting so angry with myself because I didn’t get a sale. If I ever got rejected, I’d get upset with myself, and I’d want to quit my job. But I just keep failing over and over—until I became good at it.

I remember, when I first started doing meditation, I ran into several problems. For example, at first it was difficult to calm down; but if you stick with it, its gets easier and easier. I tried for only a few minutes, and then every day, I added more time onto my meditation.

When we struggle, we learn about ourselves and what we need to do to become stronger.

4. When you start to do meditation you recognize the egotistical mind.

Everything in the ego’s world is the result of comparing. I compared myself to other salesmen and would blame myself because I wasn’t making as much money as them.

When I started doing meditation, I began to build separation from this egoistical mind, which is consistently making these comparisons. A lot of us try something and get rejected, so we give up. Even worse, we blame ourselves for a long time and get depressed. When I started to do meditation, I began to identify my ego and was able to build separation from it.

That’s what happens when we meditate: We separate from the part of ourselves that dwells on comparisons, and start learning to live a life that isn’t driven by our egos.

5. We must be both compassionate and resilient.

The monk wouldn’t meet with me to train unless I called him a minimum of three times. I hated this part. I used to call and call and he would never answer. But this is how life is. How many times do you have to call or email someone to get something done in the real world? It’s usually several times.

Most of us blame ourselves when we try once to do something and fail. At the time, I hated this part of the training, but now I think it was the most important life lesson.

There’s a Taoist proverb that says, “Cotton on the outside, steel on the inside.”

It reminds us to be compassionate, but not weak.

6. Patience is a virtue.

The monk always made me wait—and I dreaded this.

For example, when I got to his house to train, he’d make me wait for a minimum of a half-hour, sometimes longer. We’d go out to dinner on Friday nights and he’d show up at the restaurant an hour late.

He’d tell me to meet him at a particular restaurant at 7:00. I’d get there and find out that he wasn’t there. So I’d usually be sitting in the restaurant by myself fumbling with my phone, acting like I was texting someone, while worrying about what everyone at the restaurant was thinking about me.

Keep in mind, it’s not like I could call him; I don’t think the guy ever turned his cell phone on. Then he’d show up at about 8:15 and act like nothing happened.

His first question was always, “How’s your mother and father?” (Of course in my head I’m thinking, “What do you mean, ‘How’s my mother and father?’ I just waited here for an hour and fifteen minutes.”)

But after a few years of this, it never bothered me; and not only that, it spread to every area of my life. Because of this training, I can honestly say that I very rarely get upset about anything. I never get agitated anymore when I have to wait in a long line or when someone cuts me off on the highway.

Patience is the gift of inner calm.

7. Detach from your ego.

At first, it’s hard to sit at a restaurant by yourself. You’re constantly worrying, thinking that people probably think you’re a loser because you’re sitting by yourself. But the reality is, you will never be happy if you care about what people think you!

Prior to starting meditation, I’d get upset over just about anything. Now, nothing really bothers me. Recently, I was in the airport and there was a several hour delay on my flight. I just used that time to do meditation. Ten years ago, I would have become extremely upset. An airplane delay would have ruined my day.

When you let go of your ego needs, it’s easier to accept and even benefit from whatever comes at you.

8. In Taoism, they say, “No self, No enemy.”

It’s the enemy within that causes all of our fears, worries, and insecurities. If you come to terms with this enemy within, it will impact every area of your life. It’s the identification with the “self/ego” that causes all of life’s problems.

How many times do we not go for something because of fear? Think about all the fears that we have conjured up in our minds that stop us from being truly happy. If you can conquer the enemy within yourself, you won’t have an enemy outside yourself.

9. Happiness come from within, and also comes from outside.

I learned this from observing the Buddhist Physician I met. He used to do meditation in his office before he would interact with his patients. He was one of the happiest and most compassionate people I’ve ever met.

By creating happiness inside, he was able to increase that emotional state by spreading it to others.

We must cultivate happiness from within, and work to spread it around to everyone we interact with. The monk used say, “Everyone has a purpose or a mission in life.”

We have to find happiness within, and also find our purpose on the outside.

5 Mini Water Rituals to Cleanse Yourself Energetically

waterBy: Tamika Tara Schilbe / Source: Mind Body Green

We use water to clean everything, even our bodies. What many people do not realize is that even when we are squeaky clean, water can cleanse us energetically.

It’s no accident that water has been used ceremoniously since the beginning of time. Without water, there is no life. Water is worthy of our attention and time, not only from an ecological perspective, but also for our own healing. We don’t have to be affiliated with a religion or spiritual group to experience the purifying benefits of a personal baptism ritual.

Here are five simple yet powerful mini water rituals to cleanse and purify:

1. Care about the presentation of the water you drink.

Take time to put fresh lemon, lime, orange, basil, mint or cucumber in your water for a light flavoring. Use a glass container that reflects the purity and simple beauty of the water, so that you feel appreciative and uplifted with each sip.

2. Bless your water.

Some people put positive word stickers on their water bottles. This is a sweet gesture, but if you forget about the positive quality, it diminishes the effect. Take a few moments to visualize, imagine or sense the positive quality you wish to amplify in the water. Before you drink, feel gratitude for the water that is about to cleanse, heal and nourish all the cells in your body.

3. Shower even when you’re not dirty.

Some of us absorb the energy of others very easily. One way to cleanse the days’ events is to have either a quick shower or salt-water bath before bed. You will sleep much more deeply and won’t have to spend as much dream-time energy, working through the conversations and events of the day.

4. Use your water to help you visualize.

Imagine or sense any stressful situations flowing down the drain as you wash your hands. Bonus: when you drink lots of water, you have to urinate often, so the opportunities for hand-washing abound!

5. Ocean Salutation.

This affirmation and movement sequence is perfect to practice near your favorite body of water. It’s basically the movements of a half sun salutation. Lifting your heart and reaching arms upward, affirm “I am Open to Receive!”

Exhale and fold forward into Uttanasana (standing forward pose), affirming “I trust myself.” Ground your hands on your legs or the floor and lift your spine toward the horizon into Ardha Uttanasana (half bend) affirming “I follow my dreams.”

Fold back into Uttanasana (standing forward pose), with the affirmation “I flow like water.”

Now back to upstretched arms, again affirming “I am Open to Receive.”


May the power of water carry your best intentions forward!