Numerology: The Ancient First Name Letter Interpretations‏

c9f0PE-LET-A-Z_500By: Team Celebration / Source: A Celebration of Women

Numerology has a great deal to do with the numeric value of the alphabet and there are many legends and theories about how this came about.

The alphabet itself was inspired by pictorial representations that recorded elaborate stories.

These full pictographs originally were abbreviated to form hieroglyphics with each symbol depicting a word.

As more time elapsed the glyphs were further reduced to represent individual sounds and then the consonants and vowels that we know today.

The modern alphabet that numerological systems are based on is derived from an earlier hieroglyphic system that is still used by Japanese and Chinese cultures. Each letter also symbolizes a number.

This has remained unchanged, even though our speech patterns have evolved to make some sounds obsolete.

Each sound is thought to also have an esoteric spiritual implication, with an essence that can be described as a number. Even more meaning is given to the very first letter of the word.

Here is a breakdown of the numerical vibrations of the letters in the alphabet according to ancient numerology systems that originated in Babylon and Egypt. In these systems, personality was analyzed by the first letter of the name.

A is the numerical equivalent of 1 and symbolizes confidence. When it’s the first vowel in a name, the person tends to be bold. On the negative side, A can be critical of efforts of others.

B is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents our emotions. A person with a B first letter is friendly and a homebody. On the negative side, B can be self absorbed if not a bit greedy.

C is the numerical equivalent of 3 and represents energy. C people are talented and get along well with others. Negatively, C people can be ruthless and cruel.

D is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents balance. It is very powerful and is the letter associated with business. When it is the first consonant in a name the person is very tired. On the negative side a D person can be stubborn.

E is the second vowel in the alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 5. It is a is warm hearted, loving and compassionate. The E can be unreliable and a bit flaky.

F is the numerical equivalent of 6 and represents love. It is warm-hearted, compassionate, and easy going. When it is the first consonant in a name it carries the vibration of a nurturer. Negatively, F people can be prone to self-pity.

G is the numerical equivalent of 7 and represents mysticism and religious experiences. This letter is imaginative, creative, and helpful. When it is the first consonant in a name, the bearer will tend to be a loner. G’s don’t listen well to others.

H is the numerical equivalent of 8 and represents creativity and power. This letter has a great deal of business talent. Negatively, it can be self absorbed and greedy.

I is the third vowel of the alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 9. It represents law and as a general rule is sensitive, compassionate and humane. On the negative side people with this first letter can be ill-tempered.

J is the numerical equivalent of 1 and represents our aspirations. This letter is truthful, benevolent and intelligent. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer will possess an unyielding desire to not give up and will therefore find success – eventually. Negatively, J can be lazy and lack direction.

K is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents a person that goes to extremes. K people are strong willed and influential. Negatively,K can be dissatisfied with life and take their discontent out on others.

L is the numerical equivalent of 3 and represents action. It is charitable and well adjusted but can be somewhat accident prone.

M is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents spirituality. This letter has a great deal of self confidence and is therefore likely to achieve success. The drawback is that people with this letter can be workaholics.

N is the numerical equivalent of 5 and represents imagination. It is intuitive and communicative, but negatively can be predisposed to jealousy.

O is equates to the number 6. This letter represents patience, compentence and is particularly studious. The drawback of being an O is being a bit of a drama queen.

P is the numerical equivalent of 7 and represents power. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer is likely to think of spiritual matters. Negatively, P people can be selfish and flaky.

Q is the numerical equivalent of 8 and represents originality. It symbolizes genius and the unknowable. Negatively, Q can be too self absorbed.

R is the numerical equivalent of 9 and is tolerant and humane but has a tendency to become short tempered. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer will often act as a diplomat.

S is the numerical equivalent of 1 and represents beginnings. S people are very sexy. Negatively, S can act impulsively without concern for others.

T is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents growth. It is a restless letter which seeks answers to spiritual questions. Negatively, T is overly emotional, indecisive and is often easily influenced by the opinions of others.

U is the final true vowel in the alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 3. The U person is very lucky in all ways. Negatively, U can be selfish, greedy and indecisive.

V is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents construction. It is an industrious letter which is tireless and efficient. HoweverV people can also be ruthless.

W is the numerical equivalent of 5 and represents self-expression. These first letter people are artistic. Negatively, W can be greedy and take too many risks.

X is the numerical equivalent of 6 and represents sexuality. This letter is very sexy. Unfaithfulness is an unpleasant character trait as well.

Y is the penultimate letter in our alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 7. This number loves freedom and dislikes restraint of any kind. However Y can be indecisive and lazy.

Z is the final letter in our alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 8. It represents hope and peace. Negatively, Z first letter people often act without thinking and without regard for others.

As you can see this is quite a different way of looking at name numerology but it is also a very ancient way that is often very accurate.

Numerology is any belief in divine, mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. It is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts.

There is no supporting evidence for the modern practice of numerology in modern science.

Despite the long history of numerological ideas, the word “numerology” is not recorded in English before c.1907.

The term numerologist can be used for those who place faith in numerical patterns and draw pseudo-scientific inferences from them, even if those people do not practice traditional numerology.

For example, in his 1997 book Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought, mathematician Underwood Dudley uses the term to discuss practitioners of the Elliott wave principle of stock market analysis.


5 Lessons All Parents Could Learn From Buddhism

buddhismBy: Krissy Pozatek / Source: Mind Body Green

As Buddhism continues to increase in popularity in Western culture, certain principles have entered the discourse of how to be a better parent.

The ideas of being “Zen” and “compassionate,” and, of course, “mindful” come most readily to mind. But what do these concepts really mean in practice?

As the author of a Buddhist-inspired parenting book entitled Brave Parenting, I’m extremely interested in integrating the powerful philosophies of Buddhism into everyday parenting.

One of the principle goals of my method is to enable children’s emotional maturation and emotional resilience, while also making the everyday life of being a parent a whole lot easier.

Let me say that this does not mean being peaceful and calm all the time. It’s about changing our relationship to the challenges parenting presents. It’s about experiencing all emotions without reactivity.

Here are five essential Buddhist-inspired principles that will help you in your parenting journey.

1. Recognize that a stable mind is a powerful mind.

According to Buddhism, life is constantly in flux. And for that reason, stability doesn’t come from external circumstances, but from the way we relate to constantly-changing circumstances: we can choose to cultivate a stable mind.

Most of us have mental states that rise and fall based on daily events that we perceive as “good” or “bad”: a hug and smile from your daughter is good, while getting stuck in traffic and being late for a meeting is bad.

Buddhism encourages you to meet all events with equanimity. Things just are, and you give yourself a profound sense of power in accepting that. You can teach this to kids by modeling it yourself.

A meditation practice is a great way to develop a stable mind.

2. Invite the concept of impermanence into your life.

In our culture, most of us shy away from the idea that things are constantly changing. We like routine, habit, consistency. But there’s great wisdom in the Buddhist notion that all things are in constant motion, and by extension, impermanent.

Not to get morbid, but death is part of this. All living things die; it’s simply the natural cycle of life.

We can teach this to kids not as something scary, but by acknowledging the natural process of life — whether it is flowers wilting, a pumpkin rotting or leaves falling in autumn.

On a more everyday level, we can learn to accept, rather than fear, change at large. We can teach our kids that change is natural and that the best way to work with impermanence is to be grateful for everyday because every day is different and unique.

Gratitude can be thought of as the opposite of entitlement.

3. Learn to be OK with anxiety.

Buddhists know that because of impermanence an underlying anxiety always exists. Anxiety is not a sign that something is wrong, it is an experience of being alive in an impermanent world.

So this is not a feeling we can “fix” in ourselves, nor in our kids. Anxiety is a normal emotion every human feels and our suffering around it dissipates when we acknowledge and accept it.

4. Simply pay attention to your child’s emotions, all emotions.

Buddhism encourages us to pay attention to life’s fluctuations, and noticing what is. For this reason, emotions are not “good” or “bad.”

Buddhists recognize emotions for what they are: messengers with information about the moment we are in.

Knowing that emotions rise up and fall away, we can teach kids to learn to process their emotions in the most natural way — which is staying present and experiencing them until they pass. Parents do not need to interrupt this process to fix or change feelings.

5. Trust that your child is resilient.

In everyday life, there is loss and disappointment. Many parents today cushion and protect their children from the sharp edges of life, and this is a natural instinct.

However, I challenge parents to allow their kids to have “safe” struggle.

Safe struggles are normal everyday disappointments and setbacks around homework, sibling conflicts, friends, rules, chores, and soon.

When kids are allowed to struggle they are more likely to begin to problem-solve and build up resilience to life’s ups and downs, without needing or wanting to be rescued by a parent.

There is a great Buddhist teaching by Shanti Deva, an eighth century Buddhist Monk. He said something like this: When you walk on the Earth your feet may get cut.

You can either lay down hides of leather wherever you walk, or instead wrap leather around your feet and make a pair of moccasins.

When we hover as parents, we are laying down leather to protect kids from life, rather than teaching them to make their own moccasins so they can navigate their own obstacles and build up their own natural resilience.

Encontrando seus números da sorte através da Numerologia

lucky-numbersEncontrando seus números da sorte através da Numerologia

A Numerologia é muitas vezes definida como sistemas que podem prever o futuro e aprofundar a compreensão de traços de uma pessoa.

Na numerologia, os números são usados como muito mais do que simples ferramentas, mas em vez disso eles são vistos como uma ciência exata.

Na verdade, existem quatro números principais associados com cada indivíduo que muitas vezes são considerados os números da sorte na vida dessa pessoa.

Entender que os números estão associados com você vai ajudá-lo a determinar muitas coisas sobre a sua vida.

Provavelmente, esses números se tornarão muito representativos no seu caminho de vida e os obstáculos ou grandes eventos que ocorrerão em sua vida.

Embora eles provavelmente não irão ajudá-lo a ganhar na loteria, seus números da sorte são muitas vezes utilizados para prever as datas importantes, tempos e anos em sua vida.

Ser capaz de calcular os números que são conhecidos como seus números da sorte vai ajudar você a ter um entendimento mais profundo de sua vida.

Os seus números da sorte podem ser representativo do dia em que você encontra seu outro significativo, o dia que você começa uma importante oportunidade de emprego ou até mesmo o dia em que seu primeiro filho nasce.

Independentemente do significado de seus números da sorte, é sempre bom saber o que eles são.

O primeiro dos quatro números da sorte é o número do seu caminho de vida.

Esse número provavelmente irá se tornar o número mais importante em todas as suas leituras numerologicas.

Ela determina não só as suas características gerais e personalidade, mas também permite que você entenda os caminhos que você vai tomar na vida.

Com este número, você pode ter uma melhor compreensão de sua vida em geral.

O número do caminho de vida é calculada usando sua data de nascimento completa.

Para calculá-lo você vai precisar adicionar o ano em que nasceu, o mês em que você nasceu e no dia em que você nasceu todos juntos.

Você vai precisar de reduzir o número para um número de dígitos único, a fim de saber o seu número do caminho de vida.

O segundo número da sorte em sua vida é o número de expressão.

O número de expressão é muitas vezes representante de seus talentos e habilidades que você tem em seu núcleo.

Para aqueles que acreditam na reencarnação, esse número também é representante da bagagem que você trouxe para esta vida, de vidas passadas.

Este número é calculado com os números que representam cada letra de seu nome completo e, em seguida, reduzido a um único dígito.

O terceiro número da sorte em sua vida é o seu número de motivação.

Na numerologia, o número de motivação é o que se encontra no fundo da sua alma.

Este número é muitas vezes o que impulsiona você na vida e é freqüentemente associado com objetivos, sonhos e ambições.

Calcular esse número é tão simples quanto adicionar o número de vogais em seu nome e, em seguida, a redução do número de um único dígito.

O último número da sorte em sua vida é o seu número de aniversário.

Isso não é tão preciso quanto os outros 3 números, mas geralmente representa uma habilidade ou talento oculto que você tem pessoalmente.

O número do aniversário é simplesmente o dia em que nasceu.

Se você nasceu em um dia de dois dígitos, você terá que reduzi-lo a um único dígito.



O que é Numerologia

Através do simbolismo destes números, podemos determinar personalidade, talentos, pontos fortes, necessidades internas, obstáculos, maneiras de lidar com os outros e interações emocionais.

questionmarkA primeira finalidade da Numerologia é obter uma melhor compreensão de quem você é, do que você é feito, e o que o futuro pode trazer para você.

Se alguém usa numerologia para examinar sua própria vida, confirmar talentos, explorar e tirar vantagens de oportunidades ou simplesmente para determinar o próximo passo na vida, a Numerologia fornece uma ferramenta de penetração de compreensão do seu eu próprio e seus entes queridos.

A Numerologia ajuda a apresentar um quadro completo para revelar todos os aspectos da personalidade da pessoa, bem como a forma como elas trabalham juntas para formar a sua pessoa única.

A visão completa permite se apoiar na sua força para fazer o máximo de oportunidades.

Aiden Powers, um Mestre da Numerologia, é capaz de ajudá-lo a determinar estes pontos-chave, e os momentos em que você precisa fazer grandes movimentos e tomar decisões, como viajar, investir, casamento, tudo através dos cálculos dos números relacionados a você.

Um dos métodos é determinar o seu caminho de vida, que envolve somar os dígitos de sua data de nascimento.

Como nossa leitura afetará você?

FundamentumA Numerologia oferece um método confiável e profunda análise de sua natureza interior e entende os processos físicos, espirituais e psicológicas que formam a própria experiência de vida.

A ciência fornece profundos insights sobre o que faz alguém ticar e oferece um excelente método de navegação nos rios da vida diária.

Não importa os objetivos de vida de alguém, a Numerologia pode ajudá-lo a alcançar com menos atrasos e menos dificuldade.

A Numerologia ajuda as pessoas a aprender como devem enfatizar os pontos fortes, bem como superar todas as fraquezas, fornecendo quase nenhum conhecimento que alguém preciso saber a partir dos padrões vibracionais e os ciclos que são definidas através dos números.

Através dessas idéias, você vai ganhar mais compreensão sobre si mesmo e os outros, o que irá ajudá-lo a lidar com os outros e interações emocionais, construindo seus pontos fortes, livre de obstáculos, e através destes números, você é capaz de ver as tendências de eventos que vão acontecer em qualquer ano, mês ou dia.

