Should you choose a Baby Name According to Numerology?

numerology_baby_640Numerology is one of the most important sciences to know in this world because the patterns found in numbers can precisely predict what a person’s traits and inner natures will be like. Having existed for many thousands of years, numerology is extremely old and yet the same systems that were used thousands of years ago are still used today. The first numerology system to have ever been found, the Pythagoras system is the most popular numerology system in the world today.

Many people who use numerology will try to adapt their children’s names to fit perfectly with the best numerology traits. However, lots of controversy has been created on this subject matter because parents give their children an unfair advantage by providing them with the best numerological traits. Some think that numerology should be found naturally in a name. So is naming your child according to numerology ethically correct?

Parents should not rely on numerology in order to name their children since the name of a child should be something that parents come up with on their own. A child’s name should never be mathematically chosen because that could affect the natural course of numerology. In fact, most numerologists refuse to provide parents with help for naming their children because they believe it is simply the wrong way to choose a name.

Some people believe that unborn babies are capable of spiritually communicating with their parents and especially with the mother during pregnancy. Be it through dreams or even telepathically, those who believe this tend to think that the baby’s name will come naturally with time. This also brings up the discussion on reincarnation and how babies who choose their names spiritually.

Many people who believe in numerology will also believe firmly in reincarnation. In numerology, we are born with personal traits and inner natures and some believe that these are traits, talents and inner natures that we had in previous lives or need in this life to advance spiritually. If this is the case then babies should definitely have the right to pick their own names in order to benefit from the traits that they need in order to advance on a spiritual level.

Although many may find it crazy to wait until the unborn baby choses their name, it is actually quite important. For those who believe in reincarnation, the belief of being able to communicate spiritually with your unborn baby is also highly possible. Giving your unborn baby the option to choose their name so that they can bring along previous life talents or choose traits that they need to advance is the best gift available.

In the end you should never allow a numerologist to select the name of your baby. The final decision should be that of the parents and the decision should not be made until the name seems naturally correct. Basing a child’s name because of specific numbers in numerology is the wrong way to proceed in the eyes of most numerologists.

Life Path Numbers – What are they and how can you calculate them?

life-path-numberNumerology has been around for thousands of years and it all began when Pythagoras created the numerology system that we still use to this day. Although there has been a lot of controversy as to who actually created numerology first, most numerology professors tend to agree that Pythagoras was the most important individual to contribute to our numerology system.

Knowing the basics of numerology is highly important if you want to be able to get a more in depth reading of the other aspects of numerology. For example; knowing your sun number will allow you to better understand the numbers that you receive from other readings such as your name numbers. Knowing the basic numbers that influence your life will allow you to better understand your global numerology numbers and your life in general.

The life path numbers are the center of numerology; they tend to have the biggest impact on the basic results that you receive from numerology reading. The life path numbers are often considered to be the most important numbers to calculate when using numerology systems because they are the basics of your life according to the date of your birth.

When you are capable of knowing your life path numbers you will be able to figure more about the future in your lifetime. You will be able to easily know the opportunities that await you, the obstacles that you will have to overcome and a ton of other relative information about your life. The life path number is exactly how it sounds; it helps you better understand the path that you will take in life.

Finding your life path number is quite simple, yet there is a bit of basic math involved. Nonetheless, anyone can quickly calculate their life path number with a piece of paper and a pen; no calculator is needed to perform this simple calculation. The life path number uses the date of your birth in order to determine the life path that awaits you in the future.

When calculating your life path number you will have to write down your entire date of birth on a piece of paper. This will include the day you were born, the month you were born in as well as writing down the year you were born in. You will then have to break down all three numbers into single digits numbers. Afterwards you will take those three single digit numbers and combine them in order to get your life path number.

Here is an example: Let’s say you were born on September 8th and in the year 1975, you’re calculations would be as follows. You would already have two single digit numbers since September is the 9th month and the day you were born is the 8th. However, you would have to reduce the year into a single digit by adding all four of the numbers together. The result in this case would be 4.

In order to get your life path number you still have to add the three single digit numbers together. In the example above, the life path number would look like this; 8 + 9 + 4 = 21. Then you reduce that to a single digit once more and your life path number would be 3.

Interpreting Pinnacles in Numerology

pinnacleThere isn’t a person alive who hasn’t had major changes occur during their lifetime. It would be amazing to be able to predict when and how a major life moment was to occur. Fortunately, numerology allows us to predict such occurrences with actual precision. Since numerology is more of a science than anything else, it is able to basically pinpoint a time in your life when you will experience major changes, obstacles or experience wonderful news.

When a person is thought to experience a major change, in numerology it is called a pinnacle. These pinnacles allow people who perform numerology readings to know when a major event is going to happen and although you won’t know what will happen, you can still be prepared for such an occurrence. Numerology won’t pinpoint the precise hour and location at which the occurrence will happen, but it will most likely be quite accurate.

The pinnacles in numerology are divided into 4 different age groups which are often referred to as being similar to the seasons on the planet. The first age group is normally from birth all the way to the early 30’s. The second age group is for people between the ages of roughly 30 and 40. The third age group is for individuals of 40 to 50 with the last group being people of 50 and over.

Pinnacle age groups are often compared to the seasons on this planet with spring being the first age group and winter being the last. Spring is a moment of rebirth; leaves grow back on trees, flowers blossom and everything seems to grow back. For those who believe in reincarnation, the first pinnacle group is similar to this since newborns are reborn into the world once again.

Summer is compared to the second age group because it’s when you tend to enjoy life at the most. Summer has beautiful sunny days with days swimming in lakes, fireworks and simple life enjoyment. People in their 30’s normally purchase their first house, have young children and take part in many beauties of life.

The third age group, the 40 to 50 age group is often compared to as being like the third season; autumn. Autumn has changing colors, the leaves tend to fall and preparation for the cold season is necessary. People in their 40’s normally begin losing their hair or their hair turns grey, they start preparing for retirement and a loss of energy is normally experienced.

Finally winter is often compared to as being similar to the final age group, the 50 and over age group. Winter is cold, the sun is hidden, many people experience mood swings and it seems to last forever. As people age, they get cold due to loss in blood flow, they get moody and the last years of life seem to take forever due to the lack of being able to move around as easily as before.

When you know what your pinnacle numbers are, you can figure out what each one of these periods of your life will be like.

How Numerology is used in Modern Times

numerologysp1Numerology is a system that has been around for many centuries and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. It all began in the vicinities of the 6th century BC when Pythagoras determined that there was a solid relationship between the numbers that we know and the spiritual world that still remains mysterious to this very day. These patterns noticed where the founding blocks for numerology systems.

Modern day numerology is not as different as the systems that were created thousands of years ago. It seems as though the creators of the first numerological systems created perfection because to this day we still use many of the first created numerology systems. Be it the Chinese Lu Sho grid, the Pythagoras numerology system or even Chaldean numerology, we still implement these systems in our everyday lives.

Although the systems remain highly similar to the first created systems, minor modifications have been brought upon them in order to adapt them to modern times. One of the biggest changes that have been brought upon the traditional numerology systems in order to modernize it was the change in the alphabet.

When numerology first started, it was adapted to the 22 letter Hebraic alphabet, but it was later changed to fit the Greek alphabet. However, since we now mainly use the Roman alphabet in our daily lives, the numerology systems have been adapted to fully fit with our existing 26 letter alphabet. As our alphabet continues to progress, so will numerology systems; if someday we end up having a 28 letter alphabet, numerology systems will then need to be adapted once again.

Regardless of these minor changes, the numerology system that we use today still has a lot in common with the original systems that were first brought to our world. There is a reason for that and it is actually quite simple. Numerology is a sort of science along with mathematical formulas. You can apply numerology in a similar way that you can apply algebra formulas to calculate numbers.

Since numerology systems are scientific and revolve around math, the systems cannot be changed immensely. Although new thoughts, theories and ideas can be brought to numerology in order to make the calculations more precise, the existing systems are functional. Changing a numerology system in order to make it function differently would be similar to changing math formulas; it can’t be done.

Numerology systems are considered to be divine systems of nature and changing them is practically impossible. Once they were discovered many thousands of years ago, there was nothing left to do expect try and learn as much as possible about them.

Just like when mankind discovered that the earth was round and not flat; the only thing they could do was try and discover more about the earth. Changing the numerology systems that were implemented thousands of years ago would be like attempting to change the fact that the earth is round. In the end, we still use the Pythagorean numerology system to this day.