7 Empowering Questions That Will Enable You to Make Peace With Authority

peaceBy: Linda Howe / Source: Conscious Life News

I began this grand adventure of discovering my soul’s path by making peace with this revelation: my entire life is the path! Every single element and aspect of my journey, obvious and subtle, comprise my path.

Next, I dissolved decades of distress about the particulars of this incarnation. Using the Pathway Prayer Process© to access my Akashic Records, I accept that my bodily person is ideal for my soul’s purposes.

Wonderfully, I learned that every event and each person I meet along the path are optimal for my awakening. These are all exciting discoveries – and there was more to come.

Venturing out in the world, I noticed how I was triggered by those “in charge” of my environment: parents at home, teachers at school, priests at church. I was baffled when experiencing competent leaders and also incidences of incompetence.

Overall, I felt that most were unworthy. Sure, I had wonderful moments with loving parents, dedicated teachers, and wise leaders. But there were many more terrifying experiences, shockingly.

I was caught in the snares of an old belief that didn’t match my reality! Having been taught that authority figures were perfect, I expected them to be godlike.

Taking this conundrum into my Records helped me see that each of us is sincerely dedicated to our role and responsibility. We are all imperfect simply on account of being human.

Knowing it was time to go deeper, I shifted my focus. Mining my Records through scores of prior incarnations, I discovered that I had suffered at the hands of ruthless authority figures – warring kings and slave owners who had treated me terribly, lifetime after lifetime.

No wonder I was afraid and resentful!

Even more, I saw that my relationship to my inner authority was based on self-doubt. I was valiantly trying to do it all on my own. This extreme self-reliance was unrealistic.

My human limitations were apparent. No wonder I was so hard on others. Knowing my exclusive reliance on my human self would inevitably come to failure, I was afraid to let others assume authority.

Fortunately, this question shifted my perception: How can I reconcile being an infinite, immortal, unlimited spiritual being at the same time I am a mere mortal?

As I came to rely more on the inner infinite light of life, I experienced greater safety and success. Only my fears could block access to this infinite spiritual power!

I began to align my inner authority with universal authority, allowing the light of life to express through my human self.

This paradox resolved, a new-found power flowed in. I grew to appreciate authority – my own and others’. I came to understand that although we are all imperfect, Divine qualities are transmitted through us.

I became deliberate about directing my attention to the infinite within, fueling my finite self. My entire relationship with authority transformed.

Today, I honor all authorities for their willingness and courage to take responsibility in the world. I no longer expect human authority figures – or myself! – to be perfect. When confused about authority, I ask the following questions:

  1. Am I relying on my finite self, or the infinite expressing through me?
  2. What are my expectations?
  3. Am I willing to extend respect despite disagreements?
  4. Am I open to accepting the good the authority is offering me?
  5. Can I allow myself to be led by a human guide representing the Divine?
  6. Do I believe that the ultimate, infinite, immortal, immutable authority lies within?
  7. How is this individual supporting my awakening?

This transformation has empowered me with more aliveness and energy than I knew was possible, and it’s wonderful! You deserve the same! Join me exploring this pivotal point on the Path, and open up to receive all the aliveness meant for you!

4 Words of Wisdom for My Younger Self

happy lifeBy: Sarah Cooke / Source: Care 2

I don’t know about you, but I sure as hell didn’t have it all figured out when I was younger—although there were more than a few times when I thought I did!

And I’m sure that in another 10 years, I’ll be looking back on today and think, my god, I was clueless! But at the risk of giving my future self yet another memory to laugh at and shake her head about, here are four words of wisdom I’d give to my younger self.

Love your body

I remember being in high school and constantly feeling mortified about my supposedly gargantuan thighs and bulbous stomach. This led to a downward spiral of self-judgment and calorie counting that would haunt me for the next decade.

But the truth is, we are all perfectly valuable people who are worthy of love regardless of what the scale says—and our bodies all deserve kindness and respect.

Go with the flow

In my teens and early twenties, I thought I had to have my life all planned out. I had to get good grades so that I could get into the right college, then the right grad school.

And that, I believed, would set me on the straight and narrow road to professional success. But, little did I know, life takes unexpected turns. Just because one path turns out not to be as perfect as you’d imagined doesn’t mean you’ve failed.

It means you’ve learned something about what you don’t want, and you’re one step closer to what you do. Trust your intuition—if something feels right deep down, go with it.

And if something feels wrong, don’t hesitate to hightail it the hell outta there.

Stop people pleasing

I was extremely concerned—no, let’s be honest, I was obsessed—with making other people happy when I was younger. It wasn’t so much that I felt I needed approval, but if I believed I was letting other people down in some way, the guilt I experienced was intolerable.

But ultimately, I came to realize that the only way I was going to live my happiest and most authentic life—and to make the greatest contribution I could—was to allow myself to be my own person.

It’s important to show up for the people you care about, but you need to respect your own boundaries as well. Don’t allow others to have undue control over the important decisions in your life.

Don’t take yourself so seriously

We all screw up. We all make mistakes. We all look pretty ridiculous at times. But that’s okay! It’s just part of life. And it’s important to be able to laugh at that and to know that you don’t always need to have it all together.

Sometimes, you will fall apart. Don’t criticize yourself for that—instead, treat yourself with compassion. Cry, laugh and keep moving forward.

15 Simple Sentences With The Power To Change Your Life

change lifeSource: Earth We Are One

Simplicity is the elixir that distills the truth. Complicated, complex matters can almost always be broken down to a level that allows child and layman alike a crack at decoding them even further.

There is nothing noble about hiding behind a smoke-screen of academese or posturing for those not in the know. Such is the mark of an immature person, no matter how intelligent they may appear to some.

The wise man, instead, never fails to simplify, and it is this that makes him truly intelligent. Here, then, are 15 simple sentences with the power to change your life.

1. Never compare your weaknesses to other people’s strengths.

2. Own your life, or someone will own it for you.

3. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

4. Climb mountains not so the world can see you but so you can see the world.

5. If you accept your limitations, you go beyond them.

6. Comfort is the enemy of achievement.

7. No matter what anyone says to you, you don’t have to eat dinner with them, live with them or go to bed with them.

8. If you risk nothing, you risk everything.

9. Don’t give others the power to control your emotion. Those are only yours and it is only for you to manipulate.

10. Victory introduces you to the world, but defeat introduces the world to you.

11. If you don’t do stupid things while you are young, you will have nothing to smile about when you are old.

12. Don’t waste your time with explanations, people only hear what they want to hear.

13. Don’t rest after your first victory, because if you fail the second time,more lips will be waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.

14. Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves.

15. The person that you will spend most time with in your life is yourself, so better try to make yourself as interesting as possible.

Adjust Your Body Language To Quickly Raise Your Vibration

Body LanguageBy: Andrea Schulman / Source: Body Mind Soul Spirit

How we carry ourselves with our body language has a direct bearing on how we feel, and the vibration that we project out into the universe.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to be mindful of how we move through space if we want to feel calm, collected and confident.

Here are a few ideas on how to use body language in order to raise your vibration. Try them out, and see how you feel! Again, simply changing your body language can be enough to override your emotions and put you in a higher vibrational state.

Body Language Suggestions For a Higher Vibration

  1. Hold your head high with your chin up. The more elevated you are physically, the more elevated you’ll feel emotionally.
  2. Walk with your shoulders back. This is not only good for your posture but will also make you feel self-assured.
  3. Look people in the eye when you talk to them to feel more socially connected and trusting.
  4. Keep your eyes up when walking into a room (i.e., don’t look at the ground) to feel more socially dominant and reduce feelings of anxiety.
  5. Give firm handshakes, they will give you a boost of confidence.
  6. Resist the urge to cross your arms. Crossing your arms makes you feel guarded and inhibits your ability to trust others.
  7. Sit tall, don’t slump. Slumping will make you feel meek and timid.
  8. Being talked down to? Stand up. The person with the higher ground has more natural authority and dominance.

For some more great body language advice, if you haven’t seen the video below before, check it out! It’s a great demonstration of how our body language has the power to positively change our emotions.

Armed with this knowledge, you can make a conscious effort to change your body language in order to adjust your emotions and raise your vibration whenever you need a lift!