10 Simple and Effective Candle Activities That Will Boost Your Candle Magic

candlesBy: Laurie Barraco / Source: Conscious Life News

I have been using candles to enhance my magical intentions for as long as I can remember.

There is something really magical and soothing when you gaze into the flame of a candle that has been charged, blessed and lit with the intention of moving and shifting energy in your life.

I am sharing my Top 10 favorite candle tips that I have used over the years with much success, I might add.

My Top 10 Favorite Candle Activities:

1. Use Colored Candles For Chakra Healing – When I know a chakra is out of balance, I will burn the corresponding color to the chakra that needs a little TLC. Root – red, sacral – orange, solar plexus – yellow, heart – green/pink, throat – blue, 3rd eye – indigo, crown – white or gold.

2. Applying Oils To Your Candle – I prefer to anoint my candles with oil to add extra oomph to my magic. The type of oil I use depends upon my intention.

Ex. for peace – lavender, for money – cinnamon, psychic opening – frankincense. *Be sure to research any oil before applying to any candle for safety purposes*

3. Clear Energy with Black and White Candles – When I am clearing energy, I burn a black candle first to clear and absorb the negative influences and then burn a white one to bring in light and blessings.

4. Inscribe Your Candles with Your Intention – I write on the side of my candles with either a toothpick, pencil or inscribing tool to bring in more of a personal touch to my magic.

5. The Phase of the Moon Does Matter – I use the phases of the moon to help me either bring in or take away energy. After the Full Moon we are taking away energy. From the New Moon up to the Full Moon we are bringing in energy.

6. Document How Long It Takes Your Candle To Burn – I always make a point of keeping track of how long it takes to burn my candle.

I then apply how long it took to completely burn to determine how long it may take to manifest my intention. For example – if it took 3 hours to burn, then my results may take either 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months to manifest.

7. Message In Your Candle – I use the candle flame as a divination tool. I gently gaze into the flame and allow the candle wax and flame to talk to me, guide me and teach me. This also includes reading the wax during and after the candle has burned. Often there are pictures or initials in the wax.

8. Placing Candles In The Directions – When working in ceremony, I use 5 different candles to represent the 5 elements and directions.

Yellow in the east /air, red in the south/fire, blue in the west/water, green in the north/earth and white in the center for spirit. The energy in the center is absolutely amazing and sacred…everyone must give this one a try!

9. Infuse Your Candle with Healing Energy – With every single candle I infuse my Reiki energy into it. I add the Reiki symbols to my candles which add that extra, extra pizzazz to them.

If you have not yet received the Reiki II attunement, any power symbol would work for example: an Ankh, the Star of David, Pentagram or even a heart can enhance your magic.

10. A Little Help From Above – I invoke archangels, masters of light or ancient deities such as Isis or Lakshmi to help bring in the energy to assist with my magic.

There are many different resources that you can refer to help you coordinate the proper colors, aromas, herbs etc. to help align you with the energy of the light being you would like to work with.

I choose to only work with my own intentions. Often people will ask me to work a little magic for them. I am always careful to be sure free will boundaries are not crossed and that the intention is in alignment with the universal laws of morality and ethics.

Never, ever, ever add someone to your magic without permission!!

Candle magic does not take the place of being proactive in your life and taking the initiative to change your life where you know you are not happy or meeting your full potential.

I love using candles as a focus point and a great reminder of what my potential is and love how the element of fire helps me get the ball rolling in my life.