Today in Tarot {normal 6}

 By Aiden Powers

Today’s tarot card is the Ten of Swords reversed. In upright position the Ten of Swords means defeat, but luckily today the meaning is reversed along with the card. That means you can look forward to a successful day

The card itself shows a man face down on the battlefield with ten swords stuck in his back. A scene reminiscent of the death of Caesar, where his brothers in arms literally stabbed him in the back. Luckily there will be no back-stabbing today. In fact there will be the exact opposite of back stabbing and deceit that lead to defeat.

Today you get the chance to go about your business openly and honestly and gaining true power through the experience.

Finding Power in Truth

Often we tend to overthink things. We think about how our actions will be perceived by people we hold in high esteem and we adjust according to what we think they want. But, in reality, we don’t really know what exactly they want.

One of my friends runs quite a big business and she once told me about this one employee. My friend hired this person because of their out of the box way of thinking. She loved the new outlook and wanted the person to rub off on the rest of her employees and breathe a bit of life back into the office. But, after about a month, the new employee was doing everything exactly like everyone had done things. Nothing in the office had changed.

So my friend called the new employee aside and asked why they had changed. To my friend’s surprise the new employee, uncomfortable with the inquisition, replied that they thought it’s what she wanted. But after explaining that what she really wanted was more unique insights, the new employee soon changed the office around and got everyone on a new track.

The reason I’m telling you about my friend and her employee is because it’s the perfect example of how we cannot know for sure what someone else wants without asking them. And more often than not, people just want us to be ourselves. They want us to be unique. They want us to live our truth. Because it allows them to live their own truth.

Blissfully True

Once you realize that you have no idea what someone else wants from you unless you asked them, you become free to act in a way that feel natural and right to you. No need to adjust to fit the mold you think someone else requires you to fit into. You just get to be yourself.

And that’s the victory you can pat yourself on the back for. When we allow ourselves to be true to ourselves it lifts our spirits and gives us a sense of power and satisfaction that increase our bliss. It makes us happier to be alive. It gives us more energy and determination to reach our goals. In the end, being true to ourselves instead of acting for others is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. And today is the day to start doing it.

Today’s Top Tip

There is nothing wrong with being who you feel like being. You are allowed to express yourself in whatever way you see fit. Just don’t expect everyone to like it. There will be some people who wonder what on earth got into you today. Be careful of these people. They could be upset because you are no longer acting the way they expect you to. But, then again, should they really be expecting you to act a certain way? Sure there are certain social situations where some things are inappropriate. Like belching in the middle of a business meeting. But it might be worth your while to find out why people are upset with your truth. Truth has a way of multiplying and you could uncover some false friends today too… Friends that have been posing like Brutus, who ended up stabbing Caesar in the back anyway.