How Your Date of Birth May Affect Your Mood & Behavior

better-than-albums-music-app-builds-a-playlist-to-fit-your-mood-5cdc505228By: Shubhra Krishan / Source: Care 2

What is it that makes you a “born pessimist” or “incurable optimist?” Why do some of us feel low more often than others, while some breeze along life with a smile?

Of course, the genes we inherit from our parents play a big part. But it could also have something to do with the time of the year when were you born, according to a recent Hungarian study.

The study, presented at the European College of ECNP Congress in Berlin, reveals several interesting facts about how your season of birth affects your moods and behavior.

Lead researcher Zoltan Rihmer, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of Research, Department of Clinical and Theoretical Mental Health, Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary summed up the study, saying “The season in which you are born has an influence on certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, which is detectable even in adult life.

This led us to believe that birth season may have a longer-lasting effect.”

Rihmer’s team studied more than 400 subjects and matched their birth season to personality types in later life.

They observed that a person’s chance of developing certain mood disorders were related to when they were born. Some of these trends were particularly significant:

  • Those born in the summer were seen to swing between happy and sad moods more rapidly and frequently than those born in winter. Scientists call this a “cyclothymic temperament.”
  • People born in spring and summer exhibited a tendency to be excessively positive, while winter borns showed less of this “Hyperthymic temperament.”
  • Those born in the winter were significantly less prone to irritable temperament than those born at other times of the year.
  • Those born in the autumn months had a much lower tendency to be depressive than people born in the cold months of winter.
  • No significant results emerged for the Anxious temperament.

So what about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the mood disorder which commonly hits during autumn and winter from lack of sunlight? This research indicates that those born in the cooler months are affected more deeply by SAD.

Commenting on the study, Professor Eduard Vieta of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology said, “Although both genetic and environmental factors are involved in one’s temperament, now we know that the season at birth plays a role too.

And the finding of ‘high mood’ tendency (hyperthymic temperament) for those born in summer is quite intriguing.”

Rihmer himself states that the results are in line with clinical observations concerning the seasonal variation of onset and hospitalization due to affective episodes.

Although the small size of the sample makes this a limited study, further research should yield interesting clues on what makes us the way we are.

8 Clues That A Spiritual Awakening Is Happening

consciousness-300x213By: Michelle Walling, CHLC / Source: in5d

In essence, a spiritual awakening occurs each moment we make a choice. However, one day a grand opportunity for awakening occurs that will change the past, present, and the future.

When the choice is made to advance beyond the old beliefs and patterns, triggers and clues emerge that are telltale signs of a spiritual awakening.

1. We question who we are

One of the main things we begin to question in our spiritual awakening is who we really are. Through various teachings and information available in books and on the internet, we get clues to how to go within.

By going within we realize that we are an infinite being having a physical experience in a human body.

The biggest realization in a spiritual awakening involves remembering that we have always had a connection to our creator but it has been veiled from us by a group of beings that wanted to control us.

Then we realize that there is not only a connection to our creator Source, but we then gain an understanding of what it means to be a holographic spark of that Source.

The understanding that you are a fractal of an omnipotent Creator being changes everything because accepting who you are reflects the love of your Creator.

It mirrors back unconditional love and allows both you as an individual and the Creator as an infinite being the understanding of identity.

2. We question why we are here

Once we begin to realize who we are we are drawn to question why we are here. The life purpose is different for each individual however, we begin to search for soul groups that have similar likes as we do.

Some people are attracted to the ET/planetary groups while others are attracted to the meditative/spiritual theme. Ultimately these groups are the same thing packaged differently and are great tools to connect with like minded individuals.

We begin to remember that we made agreements to mirror our life purposes to one another.

Living out our life purpose is one of the most fulfilling things we can do. It is on the mind of most all spiritually awakened people. People often make finding their life purpose more complicated than it needs to be.

Many times the answer has been in your life all along but your energy was not directed toward it. Doing what makes you feel happy without harming another person is a big clue toward your life purpose.

3. Our lives turn upside down

Once we realize that we are spirits living in a physical body, we suddenly see that we live in a world where everything is backwards and upside down.

We begin to right things and withdraw our energy from the system that has been created to enslave and control us.

We begin to be able to read the secret code around us in symbols and language that is embedded with trickery and magic spells that do not have our best interests in mind.

We learn how to offset this black magic with white magic and begin to think for ourselves with clarity and purpose.

4. We begin to experience synchronicities beyond coincidence

Synchronicities are a clue that a person is on the highest path. They may come through a repeated catch phrase or word that you see several times a day or even throughout an extended period of time.

Often times a person will happen to glance at the clock at just the right moment where 11:11 appears or a derivative of it like 2:22, 3:33, etc.

Things begin to unfold in our life seamlessly and we may experience precognition and deju vu more often.

Eventually we learn that our reality is a malleable matrix comparable to a television program; if we do not like what we see we learn to it change it by changing the frequency or channel.

5. We lose a lot of people in our life and gain a few very important new relationships

As the spiritual awakening progresses, the creative energy we are made of vibrates at a faster rate. This particle acceleration changes how we affect others and may even make people uncomfortable that have yet to begin this process.

We find that some people are forced away from us because their defense mechanisms kick in and their ego creates an excuse for them to not want to be around us anymore.

As we look back, we vagely remember those who have fallen away. Awakening and advancement is a choice that not everyone will make, but those that do begin close knit relationships based on trust.

Due to the Universal Law of Vibrational Attainment, our vibrational level will naturally attract those of the same level to us like magnets.

Since the percentage of people on the planet who have awakened at this time is less that 51%, we may find ourselves suddenly moving for a new job or perhaps we follow a dream that we have always had to live in a certain location where our soul mates have the opportunity to appear in our lives.

6. We get rid of clutter and material possessions

Spring cleaning comes any time of the year when we understand the energy attached to excess clutter and material things that weigh us down.

The ancient practice of Feng Shui takes into consideration that positive energy flow in a room or a house can bring harmony to those who occupy it.

If a person has gone through the transition of moving, the feeling of lessening the load is liberating and palpable. We begin to realize that material possession brainwashing was created to weigh us down and keep us vibrating at a slower, dense speed.

7. We realize love is the basic building block

One of the biggest accomplishments in a spiritual awakening is peeling back the layers of protection around our heart.

For most people this lifetime has been full of heartbreaks, whether it is from a relationship gone bad, a best friend betrayal, or even a child leaving home for college.

Positive occurrences include the birth of a child or finding a healthy relationship that allows growth together as you share the spiritual awakening path.

The ability to attract the right partner or soul mate begins with doing the work of loving yourself for who you are. A chain reaction of events will occur that will bring up stuck energy that can be cleared in order to prepare yourself for a healthy, loving relationship.

This period of time has been called “The Dark Night Of The Soul”. If you had already found your soul mate before your spiritual awakening, than you find yourself in a really good position to have someone who will support you while you do your inner work.

Whether we realize it or not, we affect everyone around us in our proximity. We are all in a symbiotic relationship of loving each other at a soul level, and when it becomes a conscious awareness practice it is magnified beyond expression.

The affect you have on someone else’s vibration may not seem positive in the beginning because a person’s reality may begin to fizzle apart just like it did for you.

One day soon everyone who awakens will look back and realize that the domino effect of the vibration of love is what changed the world.

8. We become the calm during the storm

By realizing that we accomplished a spiritual awakening in this lifetime, we move from survival and fear to forgiveness and love.

When we release the fear of survival and dying, it creates a space within us to create our future while changing our past. This usually creates a longing to be of service to others.

Teaching, sharing, loving, and healing become our new goals and we long for everyone to wake up and smell the roses.

A shared goal of freedom

Following the clues and confirmations along the path will lead to the highest calling of love and happiness. Changing the world occurs one person at a time and starts with responsibility of awareness and intention on an individual level.

The ultimate realization of the big picture is that humanity has been enslaved by a small group of beings that have kept us locked in a low vibration. Those that become aware of this naturally gain the tools to free themselves of this prison.

Becoming spiritually awakened goes hand in hand with increasing your consciousness and bringing more of your soul essence into this lifetime. Love heals all and truly is the key to change.

When we love ourselves we create a space to love others. All war, competition, and domination falls away and the answers to all of questions become available on an individual level.

The increase in the number of spiritually awakened people has made an impact on the planet and will continue until we have freed ourselves and collectively choose a new reality.

Want To Find Your Dharma? Ask Yourself These 7 Questions

dharmaBy: David G. Arenson / Source: Mind Body Green

The Buddhist concept of Dharma has a central philosophy that all is whole and complete as it is. There is no accident in the entire universe.

Even your reading this right now is not accidental, nor my writing it. We are together in this grand interplay of cosmic elements.

Most of the daily challenges we experience as human beings originate from a lack of understanding. Dharma is the way out of this.

The way to cultivate refinement of the mind and uplift the human experience from ignorance and suffering, is to practice Dharma.

So what is this cryptic and mysterious notion of Dharma and is there a way to decode it for modern consumption?

Dharma is a broad concept with many understandings and definitions, very much like the term coined by Chinese philosophy as Tao.

Its translation as “the path” or “the way”, Tao and Dharma support the natural order of the universe and those who are in harmony with it.

Dharma could also be described as the nature of “what is” and in Buddhism, refers to the practice of following the Buddha’s teachings. The diligent observance and practice of these teachings, is seen as the way to enlightenment.

One could argue that Dharma is a truth, a teaching, a practice and enlightenment itself.

Living in Dharma means living ones’ true purpose and personality, and expressing it in the world. By living quietly in fear, limitation, or otherwise, we are denying the world our one-of-a-kind gifts.

Living from the ego denies the full expression of our talents for the benefit of others. The purpose of Dharma is to allow the everyone in the world to evolve to their full potential.

“We know we are in Dharma when we cannot think of anything else we would rather be doing with our life.” —David Simon

How does one relate to the seemingly mystical and intangible elements to finding one’s Dharma?

For the whole symphony of the universe to vibrate at its most refined and poetic, it requires all individual instruments (that’s us!) to play their part. Thus, one thing is essential for the greater good — each person must follow their authentic path.

If every person sang their song, the symphony would be sublime, whole and complete.

I am not here by mistake. And neither are you! I am serving the whole, as are you. The Dharma needs all instruments to express themselves.

And then the whole universe supports us when we act according to our true nature, our calling and our purpose — our whole reason for being.

Living a meaningful life requires that we live in Dharma, in service of the whole of creation. Dharma is an active opening, a mission, a doorway, a purpose, a destiny, but also a passive process of surrender.

So how do you find YOUR Dharma? Here are seven questions to meditate on:

  1. Do you have any idea what your Dharma is?
  2. Have you found it yet?
  3. Where have you looked?
  4. How would you live differently if you knew your days were numbered?
  5. Which people do you admire most and why?
  6. What are your fondest memories?
  7. What were you doing when you recall having the most fun?

“You are born with a character, it is given, a gift as the old stories say, from the guardians upon your birth.” —James Hillman

How to Use the Moon Phases In Your Favor

moonSource: Psychics Universe

Police officers swear that the full moon drives people to do crazy things. Emergency room workers say they always expect a surge of patients during the nights of a full moon.

People who work with animals swear they behave differently. Some people put forth that the moon’s gravitational pull has an effect on us the same way it affects the tides—and considering we’re made of 70% water, it makes you wonder.

If the full moon can have that much of an effect on us, what about the rest of the phases of the moon? How can we use the moon phases to our full advantage?

New Moon

The new moon is a perfect time for fresh starts. If you’ve been meaning to take on a new project or make changes, the new moon is the ideal time to start making plans.

The energy of the new moon is very optimistic and energizing; it propels us forward so we can get a jump on things that need to get done. It’s also a great time to start new relationships, so it’s a good time to plan a first date.

Waxing Moon

As the new moon begins to grow, it’s energy starts to influence our long-term transformations.

If you’ve been pursuing higher education or striving to nail that project at work to secure a promotion, take advantage of the waxing moon energies and plan a late evening work session.

Creative people should also take advantage, as the waxing moon tends to bring inspiration. If you’re building something, you may find the project going smoother during waxing moon phases.

Full Moon

Contrary to popular belief, the full moon is not bad! It doesn’t make us crazy or drive us to do horrible things.

The energies of the full moon are simply powerful and abundant— they are energies that push and drive us to our full strength and determination more than any other time in the month.

If people are not ready for it, or don’t have a positive channel for that energy, it may be spent negatively, and that’s why hospitals and law enforcement agencies report so many of the bad outcomes.

To make sure you’re using full moon energy to your best advantage, plan to tackle some serious challenges during the moon that call for aggression— clean the closet you’ve been meaning to get to, or plan an extra exercise session.

This is not, however, a good night to get roped into arguments or let anger go unchecked.

Waning Moon

As the moon seemingly grows smaller night by night, its energies are prime for helping us expel or release things. It’s a good time to get rid of anything that’s no longer serving us.

Work on dropping unhealthy habits or negative patterns of behavior.

Have that heart to heart conversation with a loved one you’ve been meaning to have. Get out your feelings and clear the air. If a relationship isn’t going well, it may be a good time to break up.

Try to purge pent-up emotions with a good cry or by writing them out on paper so that you can release them.

Dark Moon

When the moon isn’t even visible in the sky at night, it’s called a dark moon. This period of time is best utilized by resting and recharging your batteries. If you’ve been overworked, plan a day of leisure or get to bed a couple of hours early.

Spend some extra time in meditation. It’s a good time to sit quietly and contemplate worries or problems, as the energies of this moon during a quiet moment will help draw out the inner wisdom to help you deal with things.