Dear LOA: If I Have To Raise My Vibration To Get Money, How Do Douchebags Ever Get Rich?

vibrationBy: Melody / Source: Deliberate Blog

Last Monday’s post, Dear LOA: How Can I Stop Hating The Rich? focused on how to stop seeing those with money in a derogatory light. After all, as we LOA teachers are fond of pointing out, you can’t manifest money if you hate those who have it. Or can you?

The post sparked some interesting discussions and questions in the comments (which I do read, even if I can’t always answer there. Here’s your proof, puppies). Readers wanted to know why they had to raise their freaking vibrations to finally get the moolah when there are so many seemingly low vibe people with fat wallets running around.

I mean, how did those assholes from Enron get all that money? How does a “greedy and evil” politician manifest all those bribes? And if they can manage to manifest all that cash while miserable, why the hell can’t we? What is it with all this “you need to get happy first” bullshit, anyway? Why do we have to do so much more work than they do?

I’m paraphrasing here, but that was the general gist of the questions being asked, and I thought you guys made some excellent points. So, I’ve decided to swiftly write a follow up post focusing on precisely this paradox, today. I know, right? You want to pirouette through the Alps belting out “The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music”. Me too, puppies. Me too.

How do the rich bastards manage to get rich?

Ok, so let’s get right to the heart of it. How do those rich douchebags (not the awesome rich, as I described in my last post, just the ones that seemingly don’t deserve it) manage to manifest all that bling?

The problem with this question, is that it doesn’t make any vibrational sense. How does anyone manifest anything? They have to be a vibrational match to it. Let me give you an example that’s going to seem totally unrelated, but will help me to totally make my point if you just stick with me for a minute or two. This is not the time to go for a pee break, is what I’m basically saying.

Let’s say that you have a friend and she gets cancer. Chill out, it’s hypothetical cancer, ok? She’s the nicest person in the world, has a loving family and is even doing something she loves for a living. You can’t for the life of you figure out how this happy spirit could get such an awful disease. How, you ask, did SHE manifest cancer? She doesn’t deserve it. She certainly hasn’t been thinking negative thoughts. Her life, other than the illness, is amazing! What the hell?

The thing is, and this is the mistake that a lot of people (including many teachers) make with the Law of Attraction, manifestations aren’t that black and white. You don’t get cancer or any manifestation, because you do or don’t deserve it, because you’re thinking directly about it in some way, or as punishment for thinking bad thoughts.

It’s all meaningless. But don’t let that depress you

Your manifestations are nothing more than representations of energy. They are totally neutral all on their own. I know, I know, how dare I state that something like cancer is neutral. Let the hate mail commence. But the thing is, it’s ALL neutral. Nothing, no event or experience, has any inherent meaning. It’s YOU and your perspective that assigns it any kind of meaning. Let’s keep going with this example, and I’ll explain further.

Because meaning is assigned by the individual, and it’s always a very private thing, no one can discern that meaning from the outside. You can’t ever really know what a manifestation represents to someone else. Honestly, it’s hard enough to figure it out for ourselves, we should probably just leave everyone else out of it (would if we could, eh?).

Your friend’s cancer is an inherently neutral event. It can have a negative or a positive meaning, depending on her perspective. And yes, I deliberately chose a charged topic to make a strong point, because the concept behind this entire blog post is actually a really big one. Let’s look at both scenarios, the “negative” and “positive” possibilities:

A negative representation

Even though your friend is, by all accounts, happy and balanced, she will definitely still have beliefs that she’s not aware of. Unless, of course, she’s fully self-realized, but there aren’t too many of those kinds of people running around yet, so let’s assume she’s still on her way to total enlightenment.

As a student of LOA, she begins by not freaking out about her diagnosis, knowing that nothing has gone wrong and that even when things seem tragic, there’s always a gift contained in each event, if you’re willing to look for it. So, your friend asks herself how this cancer feels to her. What is it bringing up in terms of emotions?

The obvious answer is fear, but what kind of fear? She digs deeper and realizes (I’m going to just skip ahead here) that she’s always been afraid of taking after her own mother and not doing a very good job with her kids. And although she’s managed to overcome the fear to the degree that she’s been able to create a happy home, that belief still lingers and was recently triggered big time by her son’s angry outburst at school.

Has she inadvertently passed on her family’s f*#@ed-up gene to her kids? The dread of it fills her often and has even caused her to lose some sleep, but she dismisses it. Logically, her son is just fine, her family is happy, and of course her baby boy isn’t going to grow up to be an alcoholic. She’ll make sure of it, because she has everything under control. Um, right?

Nope. Your friend’s fear and resulting sense of overwhelming responsibility to keep everything together may not be outwardly apparent (unless you really know what to look for), but it’s still a belief that’s not serving her. And her refusal to engage with it has caused this belief to manifest in bigger and bigger ways, finally resulting in an illness that feels exactly like that fear to her – something you can’t possibly discern from your outside perspective.

The point is, you don’t know what someone else’s manifestation means to them. Incidentally, when your friend clears her fear, the cancer, having done its job and successfully delivered the message it was meant to, disappears. The doctors assume they misdiagnosed her, and give her a clean bill of health.

A positive representation

How could cancer or any illness possibility be a good thing? Well, I just gave you one example. If your friend sees the illness as a messenger and shifts the belief it was there to point out to her, not only will she regain her health, but she’ll have a better life. She’ll experience a lot less fear, have closer relationships with her kids as they grow up (free from the need to control everything), and ultimately, love herself more, which would have repercussions in all areas of her life.

That’s some pretty positive stuff, right there. But, just to drive the point home big time, cancer could also simply be a means to bring some awesome manifestation into your friend’s life. Let’s say your friend’s cancer is caught very early. She’s nowhere near death and the doctors are very optimistic.

They recommend chemotherapy, but your friend, having a strong belief in holistic medicine, doesn’t feel good about that and goes the alternative route. She focuses on feeling good and lets her intuition guide her to some treatments that help to rebalance her body.

The cancer regresses and her oncologist is amazed. He wants to know what she’s done, and begins some clinical trials using the methods that worked for her. Although he can’t include her entire protocol, and can’t talk about the energy aspect of it, his studies will help to bring these concepts more into the mainstream.

Your friend, who is a healer at heart, has not only inspired her oncologist to a new life path, but ends up writing a book which ends up helping hundreds of thousands of people. She regularly tells anyone who will listen that the cancer was the best thing that ever happened to her (many people who have illnesses or disabilities do just that, by the way).

Again, the point is, it’s all in how you see it.

Why this may make you mad

Now, I can hear some of you arguing: “So, you’re basically saying that we should just look at all the crappy stuff in our lives and decide to see them in a positive way? If I’m poor, I should just be ok with it, and somehow, magically, it will go away? And if it doesn’t, then I should somehow decide that this is a good thing, anyway? Is that what you’re saying?

Also, how does this answer the original question?” And don’t think I don’t hear the sarcasm in your voices, either. This is why I told you to hang in there. We’re covering a lot of ground today, and it’s not all going to be totally clear right away.

I get that what I’ve stated here in deliberately controversial way could make some of you mad. And that’s because you’re still not totally hearing me. You see, if you have a strong opinion about something, one that you don’t like but don’t think you can change, and then I come along and say “Choose a different perspective, just feel better about it”, what you may be hearing is “Choose a different perspective on your opinion, and just feel better about it”.

In other words, you think that I’m asking you to keep the belief that doesn’t feel good, i.e., cancer is a horrific thing that no one deserves, and feel better about that. Or, being poor is awful, but you should be ok with it anyway. Yeah… that’s not going to work. In fact, it will feel awful to even try.

What I’m advising you to do is to find a different perspective of the event or experience – one that you can believe and which feels better. And yep, I understand how tough this is (until you really get it. Then it’s really not that hard). This is why I write so much and why I offer personal coaching. Teaching people how to really apply this stuff to the details of their lives can require a lot of explanation.

The most important thought to keep in mind is that you can get what you truly want, and that everything, EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Nothing is random. There is always an energetic cause and effect, but it’s a very individual cause and effect. There are no cookie cutter solutions here, and you can’t logically determine what your underlying beliefs are, much less someone else’s.

You CAN figure it out, though. Nothing ever happens by mistake, and there’s always a positive reason for everything, even if you can’t see it. Embody this mindset, and your life will get tons easier, no matter what happens (and yes, stuff will still happen, although it will mostly stop sucking.)

You don’t have to be ok with being poor or ill, in terms of not wanting to be abundant or healthy. But you do want to understand that the poverty or illness or whatever is not indicative of anything on its own. Each manifestation carries a personal message for you AND ONLY YOU. Cancer will not mean the same thing to your friend as it does to someone else. And, wait for it, neither will money or the lack thereof.

YOU are placing a certain meaning on money. When you ask how a douchebag could become rich, it makes no sense. What does him being a douche have to do with his monetary status? That’s a bit like asking, how could a brown haired guy manifest a relationship. What?

Ah yes, I can hear you protesting now, “But you teach that we have to be happy to get money! Why can they get money without being happy?!”

Because, and this is the big point I’ve been leading up to all day: Money doesn’t represent the same thing to all people as it does to you. I teach that you have to be happy to get money, because money represents happiness to you. Period. If you said to me, “Money represents fear to me. The more of it I have, the more afraid I am. Can you help me manifest more money?”, I could theoretically advise you to shore up the fear. Of course, I wouldn’t actually do that, because I’d get no joy from that, but you hopefully get my point.

What is it that you want?

Here’s the thing that I don’t understand: If you’re looking at some unhappy rich dude with jealousy, what exactly are you jealous of? Do you want to also be unhappy? What is it that you think he has that you want? Sure, you may be thinking that if you had his money, you wouldn’t do what he does with it.

You’d be happy. But now you can’t compare yourself to him anymore. You’ve just declared that money represents something completely different to you than it does to him, and is therefore a completely different manifestation. Money simply represents energy, remember that.

When you see an unhappy rich person, you’re often seeing someone with great potential, a large energy, which isn’t being allowed to flow. The money they have in the bank – you know, the stuff that they could spend but aren’t, the stuff they could use to create happiness for themselves and others but aren’t, all that wasted and stagnated energy, is a literal, physical representation of what they are doing vibrationally.

When you see someone who is incredibly overweight, you’re often looking at the same thing, by the way. The large amount of stagnant money is, in fact, often a way for the Universe to increase the pressure on the individual. Remember that money is an amplifier. So a rich guy who isn’t being Who He Really Is, may well feel the pain of that more the richer he gets.

If you’re focusing only on the money and not on what it represents, you’re missing the point. It’s a means to an end. It’s like coveting your neighbor’s photograph of a yacht, instead of the yacht itself. “If only I had that photograph, I’d sail around the world.” No, you wouldn’t.

Because that photograph can’t bear your weight in the ocean (or that of your manly, muscley, oiled up crew.) Um, what were we talking about? Ah yes. What you really want is the yacht. But your neighbor doesn’t actually have a yacht. So why are you looking at him as an example? Why not go and find someone who actually owns a yacht and enjoys the hell out of it the way you would?

Money does not equal Happiness

This is precisely why I and other teachers are so adamant about the fact that you shouldn’t focus too much on the money. And yes, we know how annoying that is. It is merely a representation of something, and it will not represent the same thing to others as it will to you. If you must look at rich people for inspiration, look at the awesome rich, not the douchey rich.

The douchey rich aren’t happy. They only have the photographs of the great life you want, not the life itself. If you’re going to say “I want to be like that. I want to have what they have”, why not make sure that they actually have what you want?

Stop striving for money. Strive for what you want that money to bring you, what it represents to you. At your core, that’s going to be happiness, because that’s what we all want. Sure, your desires can get a lot more specific than that, but that’s what it all basically comes down to. This is why I advise you to raise your vibration.

I’m not here to make you rich, no matter what that means to you. There are people on Wall Street who have made that their life goal. When you make money your goal no matter what, it tends to turn out a little wonky (aka, the state of our economy today, business without consciousness, seeing the environment as an unlimited, free resource, there to be plundered, exploitation of others, etc.)

Not only is it not sustainable, but it doesn’t work. All those people who think they can get happy by being rich, never manage to actually make enough money to reach that goal, no matter how many billions they amass.

What you want is to be happy. You can decide that you first have to get rich in order for that to happen, if you so choose, but I’d advise you to take the shortcut and just go straight to happiness. That way, everything that represents that happiness, including wads of cash, will float right into your experience.

Bottom line

Of course there are ways to make money other than by raising your vibration and letting it come to you, easily and effortlessly. You could work your ass off for years, doing a job you hate, if you believed that this will bring you money. I certainly did that for years.

I made a lot of money at a corporate job that was slowly killing my soul (ok, not killing it, that’s not possible, but you know what I mean). I had a strong belief that suffering led to success, and the more I suffered, the more successful I became. I’m certainly not going to dedicate my life to teaching you how to do that.

I’m here to teach you the easy way, the fun way, the way to happiness. I’m here to help you become a Happy Shiny Puppy, not a rich puppy, although abundance is certainly part of happiness and will manifest as a result. I’m here to offer one way of getting the life you want, but it’s certainly not the only way.

Sadly, I’m sure that if I offered a course on how to become a rich, unhappy bastard, it would sell out in minutes. But I’m not teaching that course. I don’t want to. I have no interest in creating more douchey rich. I want to create a whole lot of awesome rich, because the world I want to live in is populated by them.

I know, it’s so hard to hear – it’s really not about the money. The belief that you can’t be happy without money is deeply ingrained in all of us. But let me ask you this: If being wealthy is part of your picture of happiness, what makes you think that the Universe would bring you that happiness in all its forms, EXCEPT with money? Because that seems to be the big fear – “if I stop focusing on money, it’s like telling the Universe I don’t want any and then I’ll have to be happy without it forever”.

As if happiness was conditional – “Yes, you get to have it, but only to a degree, and not in the ways that are important to you”. It’s only conditional if you believe that it is. You don’t have to settle for a life that’s less than you truly want and learn to be happy with that. You do have to be willing to happy no matter what, and then the life you want, in all its glory, will reveal itself to you. Ka-ching. Ka-ching.

The Letter To the Universe – Manifest Whatever You Want In Twenty Minutes

blog-post-3-1-originalBy: Melody Fletcher / Source: Deliberate Blog

I’ve written pretty extensively about the need to release beliefs, about raising your vibration, the importance of your emotions and how to line up your energy with what you want.

Clearly, I believe that it’s important to understand how the Law of Attraction works and why the stuff that’s happening in your life is happening.

However… sometimes, when you’re feeling stuck or desperate, when you need something to happen quickly and you have no idea how that might come about, explanations don’t help much.

What you need is a quick and dirty technique to help you release your resistance and get you back on track. And today, my lovelies, I shall share one of my favorite techniques with you: Writing a letter to the Universe.

It’s simple, it takes about twenty minutes, and it works. Fast. I’ve used it with great success in my own life many times. One caveat: This technique is best for emergent situations. You’re in a bind and you need something to happen fast.

The more desperate, the better. I haven’t had as much success with it on long term goals or big things (like career changes, etc. where lots of beliefs are involved). Of course, this could just be me. Try it for yourself and see.

(Related: How to Manifest a Miracle today?)

For example, a few years ago, I had made a commitment to a friend. I keep my commitments. It’s important to me. But a new and much better opportunity came up, and well, I really wanted to take advantage of it. I didn’t want to let my friend down, but I also didn’t want to miss out on this wonderful chance. I was really conflicted about it and had no idea what to do. I wrote a Letter to the Universe.

What I really wanted was to take advantage of the new opportunity, but for my friend to not only NOT be mad at me, but to understand completely. I wanted to have my cake and eat it, too. I wrote the letter at night. The next day, I sat down with my friend and explained the situation.

Even though I’d been so stressed about telling her, I found the perfect words and she heard me completely. She wasn’t angry. She was happy for me. She completely understood and told me that in my position, she’d do the same.

This may seem like something small (it was actually a rather large commitment), but avoiding a major argument with someone I care deeply about is pretty important to me. After that, I started to use the Letter every time I found myself really stressed about anything imminent. I had no time to figure things out.

A volatile business meeting the next day, an apartment search for which I had very little time, an interview for a major job promotion, etc. And each time, the Letter allowed me to release my resistance, line up with what I wanted and get me the results that I was after. Ready to hear how to use it? Here we go:

The Letter To the Universe – Manifest Whatever You Want In Twenty Minutes

Step 1: Dear Universe…

Sit down and begin writing a letter. You can just open a text file on your computer or you can make a little ritual out of it by using beautiful stationary and a special pen. It’s up to you. Do whatever feels right. Date the letter and begin with “Dear Universe, “.

Step 2: Describe where you are right now

Tell the Universe where you are right now.

For example: “Dear Universe, I have one month to find a new apartment and I feel totally stressed out about it. The landlord came by today and told me that I have to move. There’s nothing I can do.”

Step 3: State your fears

List all the reasons that you’re stressed out. What are you afraid of? What do you NOT want to have happen? Yes, I know that we normally try to avoid focusing on what we don’t want, but here’s the thing: Your fears are your fears. They are valid to you. And I can tell you all day long that the Universe knows what you want, but when you’re in the state of stress, you’re going to answer with “Yeah, but, what about this horrible scenario?

And what about that limitation?” You’re scared and you’re stuck on focusing on all the reasons why you’re scared. By listing these reasons, by writing them down, you can hand them over to the Universe, secure that you’ve communicated every last thing you DON’T want. This is a way of “handing off the problems”, or releasing your fears.

For example: “I’m afraid that I won’t find a place in time. I don’t want to live in some crappy, horrible room, with nasty roommates. I’m afraid I won’t be able to afford anything nice or even decent. I’m afraid that I’ll be homeless or I’ll have to go and beg friends to stay on their couch. I’m afraid I won’t even have time to look for a new place, what with work and all…”

Keep going until you feel that you’ve stated all of your fears and everything you’re worried about. Just getting it all out will already help a little bit.

(Related: Number 1 secret to manifest your dream life)

Step 4: Tell the Universe what you want

Now that you’ve gotten all the fears and doubts out of your system, go ahead and tell the Universe what you are looking for. What do you need? What do you want? This is where you want to make only positive statements. Keep writing until it feels really good. You don’t have to edit, just keep writing until everything you’re stating feels good.

For example: “I want a place that I can afford (this doesn’t feel quite right, because there’s still fear in there that you can’t afford it). I want a place that I’ll afford easily (feels better). The apartment is close to my work and has easy access to public transportation.

It’s central, and surrounded by all the shops I need. It’s bright, full of natural light and the other people in the building are all really nice. I don’t have to look for the apartment, it just kind of finds me.

It’s easy. I can’t believe how easy it is. The landlord is amazing and wants me as his tenant. In fact, he only asks me for a small deposit so that it’s easier for me to afford the move. Even the move itself is easy. My friends help me and then we have a little party in my new place.

I can’t believe how amazing my new apartment feels. It’s cozy and homey and the previous tenants even left me some amazing furniture. I love it. It showed up in plenty of time and I didn’t have to worry at all.”

Notice how, over time, the writing style switched from something you want, to something that already exists (“the apartment IS this and that…”), to something you already possess (“I can’t believe how easy it was…”).

As you get more and more into the vision of what you want, you’ll get more and more into the energy of already having it. If your writing style starts to change, LET IT. This isn’t about grammar. It’s about lining up your energy.

Get so into your vision and keep writing about it, until you can see yourself there – in your new apartment, having found it and moved into it easily. Feel the relief of it. There’s nothing to worry about.

You’ve already got it and you’re looking back on how you worried and you’re seeing how ridiculous it was to be so stressed out. It all came together so beautifully! Now, you’re really just telling the Universe about it, because you’re so excited.

Step 5: Thank the Universe for a job well done

And that brings us to the next step. Tell the Universe “Thank You” for fulfilling your wish. It’s done. What you want is on its way. You don’t have to worry about it. You can just sit back and expect it to happen. Tell the Universe how awesome it is, how creative, how amazing and how you’re in awe about how it led you and this apartment together.

When you do this, you get into the state of gratitude or appreciation, and you’re doing so on the subject of what you want. This is a huge step in lining up your energy.

Step 6: Let it go

Fold the letter (if it’s on the computer, print it out), sign it (you can add XOXO or anything you like), place it in an envelope and address it to the Universe. Now, you can put it in a special box, or burn it, or throw it in the ocean.

It doesn’t matter. People use all kinds of methods to help them let things go. And that’s what you’re going to do now: Let it go. You’ve “sent” this desire and all the associated fears and stress off to the Universe.

I like to put my letters in a box and look at them years later (DO NOT go looking into your box to see what hasn’t manifested yet! Don’t go through the box often.) It’s fun to see how worried I was about stuff that did then, indeed, come to be easily. It really helps me not get as freaked out about things now.

Trust that you’ve placed your request with the Universe, and that LOA is on the case. There’s nothing more you have to do. Expect your desire to show up, and do your best to go about your day while feeling good. Whenever you start to stress out about it, remember that you’ve handed your problem off to the Universe and it’s taken care of. It’s not your responsibility any more.

Again, I’ve used this technique on several occasions to shift my energy quickly. It helped me release feelings of hopelessness and desperation and align with positive expectation, which then allowed what I wanted to come into my reality.

What do you think? Have you used a technique like this before? What were the results? Do you have favorite little manifesting techniques? Try writing a Letter to the Universe and tell us how it went! :)


number manifestation

9 Spiritual Principles To Make You More Creative

creativityBy: Joanne Fedler / Source: Mind Body Green

Creativity, like any other skill, can be nourished. It’s important to remember, though, that it takes time and dedication to tap into your inner wellspring of natural creative ability.

With that in mind, here are nine spiritual tips that help you tap into your highest creative self, and tune out negativity and distractions – no matter what your creative endeavor is.

1. Know that ego will only take you so far.

If your art is only about you all the time, you need to think bigger. Your art is in service to something much larger than yourself. Even if you achieve fame through your creativity, you should never forget that your achievements are fickle, and due to the work of a support team around you.

2. Use your voice to speak to the truth – not only for yourself but for others who are voiceless.

Bring the pain of the world into your art, keep reminding the world to hold the suffering of others in its gaze. Use your voice as a prayer.

3. Watch less TV (and read more books).

TV is the ultimate state of distraction and doesn’t help you connect in with yourself. You can get lost in other people’s (imaginary) lives. Many people waste a lot of time watching rubbish. Use your time as if it were running out (it is).

4. Do not read negative reviews, and do not write negative reviews.

Support other artists in their endeavors. Disengage from gossip. Don’t compare yourself to people on Facebook. Don’t write anything hateful or hurtful on Twitter or Facebook. Use your words to help people reach the light.

5. Be clear about what you want from life.

The universe cannot respond to vague intention. If you want to become an author, a screenwriter, an opera singer, an actor, have conviction. Trust your vision for your life.

6. Honor what is sacred, and that includes your longing to write or create.

A ritualized life helps you create meaning in a challenging world in which you struggle to be brave. Even just blessing food, or dedicating your yoga practice to someone who is ill, or silently thanking the universe for its benevolence brings you into alignment with a deep dignity in our lives about what it means to be human.

7. Talk less, listen more.

To create, you have to become a good listener – to the world around you, and to yourself. Listening is a skill. You have to be silent in order to listen. We have to be open and receptive, and free of judgements. These are all great practices in themselves.

8. Share your knowledge and teach others who need to know what you already know.

Don’t live from a place of constriction. Share with abundance. Give away your best information, spread it like love.

9. Keep learning your craft.

Never imagine you’ve “made it” or you have nothing new to figure out. Deepen your creative practice. Become more curious about it and your relationship with your voice. Humility helps us begin again and again, each time with wider eyes, deeper ears and more compassionate touch.

How You Can Accomplish Extraordinary Things: Stories Of Supersurvivors

hikeBy: Dr. David B. Feldman / Source: Mind Body Green

Some sobering stats to start your day: this year roughly 13 million people will be diagnosed with cancer, 10 million people will be affected by traumatic brain injuries and 50 million people will survive car wrecks. By bringing up these statistics, which cover only a portion of the catastrophes that befall people every day, we aren’t trying to scare anyone. We simply want to call attention to the notion that trauma is, in many ways, a fact of life.

At some point in our lives, the majority of us will face the task of recovering, rebuilding, and rebounding from adversity, whether large or small.

And in rare cases, survivors of tragedy do more than recover: they dramatically and positively alter their lives. We call these people supersurvivors.

While there’s nothing inherently positive about atrocities, violence, disasters, or illness, and a lot of people suffer mightily from these events, it’s also true that dramatic resilience can occur for ordinary people. Over the past three years, we’ve conducted more than 100 interviews with such individuals.

In our book, Supersurvivors: The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success, we tell the stories of 17 of these extraordinary people. Whether it’s a leukemia sufferer who goes on to win an Olympic Gold Medal, a young man who permanently loses his sight and ends up being the first to cross the Atlantic in a rowboat, or a woman who survives genocide in Rwanda to eventually become an Obama appointee, supersurvivors show us what’s possible in the wake of tragedy.

They teach us that it’s possible to peer into the face of suffering and somehow emerge fundamentally changed, often with an ability to impact the world in previously unimagined ways.

Their stories often coincide with what research shows are ways to prepare ourselves not only to bounce back after a trauma or tragedy, but to actually “bounce forward.” But you don’t have to have suffered a trauma to cultivate these qualities in yourself, which numerous studies show are associated with living a happier, more fulfilling life generally.

So why not start now?

1. Practice grounded hope.

The supersurvivors we’ve interviewed practice something we’ve come to call “Grounded Hope.” It’s an approach to life that’s more realistic than simple positive thinking, yet more positive than pessimism. This view of hope builds on the Hope Theory developed by University of Kansas positive psychology researcher C. R. Snyder.

The “grounded” part of Grounded Hope refers to being grounded in a realistic understanding of one’s life and oneself. Supersurvivors avoid the temptation to paint a smiley face over what has happened to them, to deny it or distort it to make themselves feel better temporarily. Instead, they bravely look reality in the face and say, “Yes, I’ve just lost my leg in accident,” or “Yes, I’m only 25 years old and have been diagnosed with breast cancer.”

The power in this approach is that by seeing the situation clearly, without distorting it or trying to make it seem better than it is, it’s possible to work towards recovery.

But supersurvivors don’t stop there. Next, they ask the incredibly hopeful and forward-looking question: “Given what’s happened to me, what am I going to do about it? How can I build a better life on top of it?” They nurture confidence in their ability to plot out what happens next. They set goals for themselves and find sources of motivation to pursue those goals. This is the “hope” part of Grounded Hope.

In fact, research shows that it’s even healthy to have slight overconfidence that you can control your life through your own efforts. The great thing is, this overblown sense of confidence might not be overblown for long, because it can actually create a self-fulfilling prophecy, and give you the motivation to try new things and possibly actually achieve them.

2. Practice future-focused forgiveness.

One of the supersurvivors we met was Aaron Acharya, whose entire village in Bhutan was expelled and forced into U.N. refugee camps in the late 1980’s as part of a campaign of discriminatory citizenship. During this ordeal, Aaron was arrested and watched as officials tortured his father.

Later, while in one of the U.N. camps, he learned that one of the very citizen soldiers responsible for these crimes was now living nearby. By knowing where the man was, Aaron was presented with the rare opportunity to exact violent revenge.

Aaron now credits his eventual supersurvivorship — his later immigration to the United States and his founding of a nonprofit organization that has helped thousands of refugees — to the fact that he didn’t seek retribution in that moment. Instead, he says he forgave what had happened, and this freed him from being shackled to the anger of the past.

Forgiveness can be a powerful way to build a better future for oneself. Research shows that, in general, practicing greater forgiveness tends to be associate with greater personal well-being, including lower levels of depression and physical health complaints as well as higher levels of life satisfaction, whereas lack of forgiveness (which sometimes takes the form of grudge holding) tends to be associated with higher rates of negative emotions and health difficulties.

Many of the supersurvivors we met talked about the power of forgiveness in their own lives. But forgiveness may not be exactly what most of us think it is.

So what is true forgiveness?

We posed the question to Archbishop Desmond Tutu, South African anti-apartheid leader and one of the world’s foremost experts on political forgiveness. “No one has the right to tell someone who has suffered that he must forgive,” Tutu said. “No, we have to enter into the anguish of the one who has been made to suffer, to ameliorate and understand and sympathize with their suffering.”

Tutu is giving voice to what many survivors and experts agree is true. There should never be an obligation to forgive. Forgiveness isn’t about giving the gift of clemency to the perpetrators. In fact, the perpetrator doesn’t even necessarily have to know you’ve practiced forgiveness. It’s also not about forgetting the past.

Rather, it’s about giving a gift to ourselves.

It’s saying, “Yes the past is important, but I can’t change it,” and giving ourselves permission to let go of the anger, resentment, and pain that shackles us to that past. We’re then able to look forward to create a better future.

3. Notice and embrace choices.

Despite their incredible accomplishments, the supersurvivors we interviewed often insisted that we make it clear that they are ordinary people, just like the rest of us. They see themselves as doing what anyone else would have done in their situations: making the best choices possible given what life has thrown at them. For them, it was their choices that helped them to rise up after trauma and claim the future they wanted for themselves.

The brutal truth is that trauma often closes off some choices to us. When one supersurvivor, Alan Lock, lost his vision at the age of 24 and was discharged from the Royal Navy, he realized that life as an officer simply wasn’t possible for him anymore.

But, trauma also can make us aware of other choices we may not previously have realized we had. Alan’s crisis presented him with new choices, some of which he embraced. Alan became the first registered blind person ever to row a boat across the Atlantic Ocean and to trek on foot to the South Pole, setting world records.

According to two decades of research, on average 50 to 80 percent of people who have lived through trauma say they’ve grown in some way, even though they’ve also suffered. Even in the midst of pain, they’ve opened up to and embraced new choices. This is an incredible testament to the power of the human spirit in the face of tragedy. Trauma closes off certain choices in our lives, yet when we look at the situation with our eyes fully open, we also may see the potential for new possibilities.

That gives all of us, when we encounter crises in our own lives, the opportunity to be supersurvivors.